Chapter 2

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Luca's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of people talking. "Aww they are soooo adorable!" someone whispered I think it was... Rydel... "I'm so happy I got them!" said Riker. "I can't wait to take them shopping!" Rydel whisper yelled. "We can't wait to teach them sports!" said Ross. Haha jokes on them we are awesome at sports! The car came to a stop. I quickly shut my eyes... what I don't wanna walk. "I got Luca, Ross you get Lucas and Rocky and Ry get their bags." Riker said and everyone said ok. I got picked up and carried like a baby I slightly opened one eye and saw Lucas being carried like a baby too. I was placed on a couch and a blanket fell on top of me. Wow this couch is comfy. And like that I fell asleep listening to the conversation. "Rydel you watch the twins while we go set up their room at my place." then I fell asleep.

~2 hours later~

I woke up in a car again."Hey Luca how was your nap?" Riker asked from the driver's seat. Looking at me through the rear view mirror, "It was good..." I said looking over at Lucas. I grabbed my teddy bear and whipped it at his face. "Huh... wha-? Luca!"he said grumpily. "Sorry but you've been sleeping for hours." I said giggling at his face. He checked his watch. And sighed. "Ok kids were home." Riker said. Riker got out of the car and opened our door. He unbuckled us and grabbed our suitcases and handed them too us. We took our suitcases in one hand and each grabbed one of Riker's hands. He led us up the driveway and to the door. Then he took our suitcases, "I'll put these in your room, come up when you're done exploring ok?" he asked looking at us. We both nodded. And he walked upstairs."Wow..." Lucas said. "This place is huge!" he said. We started looking around. We walked down a hallway and entered the kitchen. It had high counters they were 4ft high, loads of kitchen appliances, a double sink. Next we moved to the dining room, it had a long table with 6 chairs and a big chandelier. After that we moved to the living room. It had a huge brown sectional couch, a black coffee table, a black TV stand with a huge flat screen TV on it, there was a lap and a stairway. The stairway lead to a long hallway. We went in the first door and it was the bathroom. There was a toilet, bathtub, shower chamber, a counter with 2 sinks and 2 drawers. We left the bathroom and went in the next room. It was a light brown room with a big bed with sheets matching the walls, there was also a night stand and a dresser. We went to the next room and it had a bigger bed with blue sheets to match the blue walls, a blue dresser, nightstand, and white and black guitar thingy. It also had another door, which led to another bathroom. We went down the hallway to the last door. The door had 2 'L's one was yellow and one was blue. We went in the room and it was amazing! Blue and Yellow everywhere. I got a yellow bed with blue sheet and Lucas got a blue bed with yellow sheets. We saw Riker soothing the blanket on the blue bed. He turned around and looked at us "Like the house?" he asked. We both ran and hugged one of his legs. "Thank you soooo much Riker!" we said at the same time. He chuckled and hugged us both. "Who want's dinner?" he asked. "I do!" we both said at the same time and ran downstairs. Riker fed us a great meal and sent us too play. We played for hours with cars and Barbie's. Lucas checked his watch. "Luca its 9:00, time to get ready for bed..." just as he said that, Riker walked in. "Alright kiddies time for bed. I need PJ's on, Teeth brushed and two kids in those beds." He said pointing at the 2 beds. We followed his ordered and jumped in bed. He want to Lucas first, kissed his head and said good night. Then came to me and repeated his actions. He shut the light off and closed the door. Lucas and I talked like usual, before we fell asleep. I heard Lucas snoring softly and I dozed off...

Riker's Twins. (Adopted by Riker Lynch)Where stories live. Discover now