The mystery person

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"Girl's this is going to be harder then I thought."I said.

Meghan's P.O.V

That was wierd but at least I have some more time with Justin it's not like my world revolve's around him but he is my boyfreind and I haven't seen him in forever and I've seen the boy's way to much so this is why i'm with Justin and he's so nice to me why wouldn't I want to be with him?

"Do you want to watch a movie?"Justin asked.

"Sure."I said.

Then he got up and went over to the movie's he picked on out popped it in and hit play when the title came up I gasped he picked lilo and stitch two he know's that's the only movie I cry at maybe I won't this time though I've seen it ton's of time's and......

One Movie later.........

Ok I was never watching that movie again that was so sad why did Justin pick that movie? He know's it get's to me and I feel a need to get closer to someone...... Oh so that's why he picked it that little evil guy but that's what i'm doing right now crying into his chest because it was just so sad and I can't stay mad at him he's just so loveable.

"You ok Meghan?"He asked.

"Yeah fine,but it's just so sad."I said.

"It's fine I'm here."He said.

Then I stopped crying and got up from him I wasn't mad at him but I wasn't happy with him etheir hmm best way to get your frustration out hmm let me see I think it's time for a PILLOW FIGHT!!! I grabbed a pillow and I started hitting Justin with it,he didn't catch on at first but then he grabbed a pillow and started doing the same with me. Then we stopped after a while because we were out of breath.

"T....t...truce."He panted.

"Yay I win."I said full of energy.

He looked at me like I was crazy then I ran off to the kitchen I was hungry so I grabbed an orange and I started eating it while I made us a real lunch I grabbed some bread and peanut butter and jelly. I knew what I liked on mine I got the bread and put a bunch of peanut butter on it then I put them both together and I ate it it was so yummy.

"What do you like on your sandwich?"I asked Justin.

"Peanut butter and jelly."He said.

Ugh that's disgusting how can you eat Jelly bleh it's disgusting then Justin appeared in the kitchen and saw me eating my sandwich with only peanut butter in it then he started making his own sandwich.

"I could've done that."I said with a peanut butter mouth.

"I can tell you don't like jelly so i'll make it myself."He said.

Whatever that stuff is disgusting how can you like it? I love peanut butter though especially the peanut butter girl scout cookie's I would marry those if I could oh and wetzel's pretzel's those are the best out of eveything in the world. Then I looked over at Justin he was eating his sandwhich disgusting how can you eat that? Then he started coming over and took some jelly on his finger and was just about to dab it on my nose when I doged it and ran away I was very fast and I ran into one of the room's and locked the door behind me. I looked around and saw it was his room I wonder what it has in here.

"No Meghan get out of there!!!"He yelled.

Maybe he's keeping a diary somewhere or a "journal" yeah right then I saw some picture's it was of him and Selena there were just goofing around and being silly like we are doing I didn't care she was his ex is this what he didn't want me seeing? I don't really care i'm not the jealus kind of girl.

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