We Carry On

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A month had passed since the whole incident.

Katie played dumb about bullying me, but we cracked her eventually. We even found out that I wasn't the only victim of her. She confessed to bullying and blackmailing a bunch of other students. She was suspended for two weeks, but her parents pulled her out of school completely. Her mom actually called my mom to apologize. She said that Katie won't be bothering us anymore since she was now going to be enrolled in another school.

Truth be told, I felt a little guilty about that. I never wanted to drive her away from the school. It's almost like she was in the same exact position I was last year. That is not an excuse for her actions, though. Though I was still angry at her, I forgave her. There's not enough time in life to spend a part of it hating someone.

But just like that, life returned to normal.

My friends were all able to help me catch up on all of my work, thank the gods. Missing a week of schoolwork was a nightmare. But, I got it done.

Sadly, I didn't make it into Advanced Choir. That news definitely had a negative impact on my self-esteem, but I'm ok. That just meant that I'll have to try harder next year. Plus, there were some upsides to not getting in. Oliva didn't get in either, so at least we'll be together.

Like a flash, June arrived. Exams are drawing nearer and nearer. The year went by quicker than the blink of an eye. A part of me wished that I could redo my freshman year, but the other part was content with where things were.

Am I ok?

Yes? No? Maybe? I can't really answer that. But, I knew that I was going to do nothing but grow in the future. I had my friends with me. I had my light. I could get through anything as long as my support system was there with me.

Were Chrom and I ok?

That I could answer. More than ever. I needed him in my life and he needed me. I have never loved a friend as much as him. This whole event only brought us closer.

As for him in general, well, things got way better. Katie never got to spread her rumor, and no one would ever believe it after what happened. Our classmates heard of what she had done, and they all rushed to our support. Though they may not really mean it, it didn't matter.

Step by step, day by day.

Life will continue to move on. We will continue to march on. We'll carry on.

In the end, we'll all be ok. Everything will turn out ok.

Right now, we just need to get through high school.


So this was more like an interlude chapter. This is my last week of school, guys! Wish me luck on my exams! I'm honestly terrified. XD Well, HSY is coming to a close very soon. Next week will be the last chapter. But fear not! Like school, it will return in the fall with Sophmore Year! Before Awakening will be continuing on during summer, so you will not be lacking any works from me! Not only that, but my July Prompts are nearing! Thank you all so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

ALSO! I want to do a little Q&A about HSY in the afterthoughts, so please, feel free to ask any questions you have! I promise that I will get to them!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz