The General of Cupcakes

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"Chroooom? Can we talk for a sec?" Katie leaned over to me and did a stupid pouty lip.

I frowned and looked down at my paper. "Not now, Katie."


I hate everything that exists and more. Steeling myself, I forced a smile. "What is it?"

She scooted closer. Too close. "Sooo, you know how Valentine's Day is coming up?" she asked.

...Oh, gods. Please no. "Yes...?"

"Have any plans?"

I gulped. No no no no no. "W-well, you see-"

"Alright, students!" Mrs. Troy saved my life. "Valentine's Day is coming up, and so is the Valentine's Formal. As you know, this event is nonprofit and is run by students. We will spend no money on preparations, and everything must be created or donated by students. The music classes have agreed to provide music for the event, and the art classes are working on decorations. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. I have a list of things we still need and I shall be passed around."

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and turned to Katie. "Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to do anything. I want to focus on preparations," I said.

Katie bit her lip and smiled. "No problem! Some other time, then?" Her voice was cheery, but there was poison-laced within it.

I took the list from my table mate. "Yeah, sure." I quickly looked over the list. Wait, snacks? Ah! I have an amazing idea! My hand shot up. "Mrs. Troy! I can see if I could get the Foods class to make the snacks!"

She nodded and wrote my suggestion on the board. "Good idea, Chrom. Let me know if Mrs. Woods is ok with this plan, though."

"Of course!"


Mrs. Woods was 100% on board with this idea. She decided that each table should choose their own dessert to make, so we're going to have more than enough food for the Formal!

Anna was ecstatic at the suggestion. She decided that we should take another step with this idea. She suggested that we get all of our friends who are in Foods should get together and make cupcakes. This will either be the best friendship bonding experience ever or the event that tears us apart.

Either way, I'm excited to see what happens.

"Ok, people! We have a long day of baking ahead of us!" Anna waltzed around my kitchen like a drill sergeant, wooden spoon in hand and using it like a crop. "I do not joke around when it comes to cupcakes. One mistake, and you'll all be sleeping with the fishes."

"Er, Anna? Why are you so serious about this?" Kellam asked.

She pointed the spoon at him and frowned. "Quiet, private! You think this is a game? Do you even know what you've signed up for?!"

"Eep! I-I'm sorry, ma'am!"

I coughed to draw attention to me. "As much as I think she's overreacting, I agree with her. This is my kitchen and my house, and I would appreciate if there aren't any huge messes to be cleaned and or a fire to deal with," I said. Why did I think this was a good idea?

Anna smirked at me. "Very good, Sergeant Chrom! See, this is why he has more power than you maggots! He listens to directions!"

"Who made you general?!" Sully groaned.

"DON'T QUESTION MY AUTHORITY!" Anna slapped her free hand with the wooden spoon. "You all have your roles! I will go down the line and you all will say what those roles are! Cherche?"

"In charge of the frosting!" She did a playful salute.

Anna nodded. "Yes! Sully?"

"Master of mixing and cutting!"


"Oh! Er, m-measuring duty! Ma'am!"


"Decorating specialist at your service!"


"Professional taste-tester and expert cleaner!"


"Assisting everyone in any way I can!"

A proud smiled painted Anna's face. "Very good, all of you! Our goal is to make five dozen cupcakes! As the leader of this operation, I will be overseeing all of you! Not only that, but I will be making a separate flavor of cupcakes on my own in the same quantity as yours!"

Everyone gasped. "Are you mad?! There's no way one person can make that many cupcakes by themselves!" Cherche exclaimed.

Anna's determination burned in her eyes. "I have this position for a reason, Corporal Cherche. I am more than capable of this task."

"A-as you say..."

"If there are no more questions, let's begin! There is no time to waste!"





Anna shrugged. "Focus, I guess."

We managed to make a total of 120 cupcakes; 60 of each flavor. Me and the others made chocolate cupcakes and Anna made French Vanilla cupcakes with a decadent cream cheese frosting and a caramel drizzle.

"This girl isn't human." Gaius drooled while staring at the cupcakes.

Anna playfully stuck her tongue out. "I know. I'm a demon."

"Human or demon, Anna seriously has mad skills in the kitchen," I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You haven't even seen all of it."

"SHE CAN DO MORE?!?!" Cherche's jaw dropped.

Everyone laughed. "Ok! Ok! That's enough of that! Let's clean this mess up!" I chuckled.

As we were cleaning, I slid next to Anna. "I'm glad that you're becoming more comfortable with my friends," I said.

She blushed. "M-me too! I guess baking instilled confidence in me!"

I nudged her side. "No, this was all you. I'm proud of you for coming out of your shell."

"Th-thank you!"

We continued to laugh while cleaning our messes.


I don't even know XD. I've been watching too way too much Cupcake Wars. So, a little announcement. I will not be uploading anything next week because I have way too much going on and stress has literally made me its b*tch. Don't worry, I'll be back the following week. I just need some time to get everything in order. Thank you for understanding. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more.

Currently listening to: Relaxing Studio Ghibli music

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman Yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें