We only made it halfway through Spider-Man before Karen called us in for dinner. I think on Thanksgiving we were supposed to be thankful for things and one of those things was my new family.


Luke's POV

I've been up since early this morning helping my mother clean up the house and watching football with my brothers. Thanksgiving dinner should be ready soon and Ashton should be here even sooner. I was incredibly nervous but also really excited for him to be involved in our family dinner.

It took me forever to find a shirt nice enough to wear to our dinner and impress Ashton. I decided on a dark blue button up and my usual black skinny jeans. My hair was in place and I was thankful I was having a hair game strong kind of day. I took one last long look in the mirror and turned to leave my room but Ben pushed open my door slowly. He smiled at me and I remembered I hadn't put any cologne on so I returned to my dresser with Ben right behind me.

I reached for the glass bottle next to a picture of me and my dad and I felt Ben staring at it. My necklace that my dad had bought me hung on the frame but I could bring myself to wear it anymore. Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder and I turned to face my older brother.

"You can't blame yourself for what happened you know?" Ben asked and I felt dumbfounded by his words.

"I don't." I said quietly and Ben scoffed.

"Yeah right Luke, you practically shut down after dad died. I know you blame yourself for what happened that night but just because you were with him doesn't make it your fault." Ben scolded like the older brother he was.

"It's hard not to Ben, I shouldn't have never asked to go to that concert." My voice raised a little.

"Why can't you remember how fun the concert was and how much dad probably loved it Luke? All you remember was the accident not the final memory you made with dad." He said and it made sense.

"I know Ben." I said dismissively.

"We almost lost you too Luke, we are lucky to still have such an amazing brother and son." His grip on my shoulder tightened and I looked up at him.

"Thanks Ben." I smiled and he nodded.

"Now come on, Ashton is here and I want you to introduce me to this amazing guy." Ben mocked in a girly voice and I punched his arm.

We walked down the stairs and Ashton was sitting on the living room couch. He stood up when he saw us and gave me a famous dimpled smile. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug before leading him over to my big brother.

"Ben this is Ashton." I said and Ashton stuck his hand out with a smile.

"Ashton, I've heard so much about you." Ben smiled as they shook hands.

"All good things I hope." Ashton said with a giggle.

"Definitely. I'm so glad to finally meet you." Ben added and I could tell Ashton was blushing. He looked down at the ground briefly to recover and then back up to Ben.

They made small talk until dinner was ready and we all took our spot at the table. Jack invited his girlfriend, Jessie and Ben didn't have anyone this year. I sat between Ashton and Ben with Jack and Jessie sat across from us. My mom was actually very pleasant the whole meal and refrained from sending Ashton running out the door in a fluster. We ate until I thought I was gonna throw up and then our mom offered us pie which I couldn't turn down. After we all finished eating Ashton and I escaped outside while everyone else stayed in the house.

I led him out to our old swing set and we both took a seat. The late November air was chilly but was very refreshing. Ashton was silent and by the way his eyebrows were furrowed together I could tell he was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked and Ashton shook his head with a smile.

"You, it's always you." He laughed and I couldn't help but do the same.

"If I wasn't so flattered I might be a little creeped out by how much I'm on your mind." I teased and bumped my swing into Ashton's. Our swings were close enough that I leaned over and planted a kiss on Ashton's lips

Some one cleared their throat from the door and we both looked up to see Ben in the doorway smirking.

"Luke, mom needs you in the kitchen." I knew he was lying to get two seconds alone with Ashton and I decided to just let Ben have a moment with Ash. I sighed and went inside to see what my mom "needed."

Ashton's POV

Dinner actually went really well. We all made friendly conversation and Liz had no comments or unwelcome questions. It was very pleasant to say the least. I was stuffed by the end but I really didn't mind because the food was delicious. Luke pulled me outside to a small swing set and we both took a swing.

The way Luke looked tonight was making my heart and brain go crazy. I was almost positive it was love but I knew now was no where near the time to tell him. He always asks what I'm thinking about and my answer is always him.

Just after we shared a small kiss we were interrupted by Ben. He told Luke that Liz needed him in the kitchen but I could tell I was about to get the big brother interrogation. Ben took a seat on the swing Luke was previously sat in and took in a deep breath.

"He really likes you Ashton." Was the first thing he said and when I looked over to him he had a smirk on his face.

"I really like him." I said with a small laugh.

"I haven't seen him this happy in awhile so thank you for that. And I suppose I should welcome you to our family." He said and my heart swelled.

"I don't think I've gotten the full oh ahead to be accepted just yet." I said referring to his mother.

"Mom will come around eventually but as far as I'm concerned you are accepted." He smiled.

"Well thank you." I smiled and Ben gave me a wink.

"Just take care of him." He said and I nodded.

"I will." I assured him.

"Now enough about Luke, I am dying to know about where you are from. Your accent is so cool." Ben chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh. I told him all about where I was from and managed to leave out the depressing details.

We ended up on the subject of music and we couldn't stop. It was so entertaining to talk to someone like a big brother and someone who didn't care about the bad only the good things. It was nice to finally feel accepted by the world around me.


Sorry that this chapter is damn near awful :(

I really loved creating Ben as a character bc he's how every big brother should be.

I'm going to give you guys warning that the next couple of chapters aren't going to be so happy...

But I will update everyday this week that's the good news. Thanks for all the great feedback. I love you all for it :)

Until I update again :)

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