[Kara X Male!Reader]: They're getting away

Start from the beginning

"Yep, all those people who are worth working with. But the whole point of my sad story is to tell you that my mama never raised no bitch. Nor is she ashamed about giving birth to one." You caught Gavin off guard, a sneer appeared on his face. Trying to see if he can fight back your response.

"Why you little bit-."

"Y/n!!" As on que, you cut your attention off of Gavin, and gave it to both of your female co-workers who so happened to disturb your conversation at the right time.

"Hi Sarah, Brenda. How are you?" You greeted them both.

You faked a smile as you listened to both the women talk about your injury, as if it was the most craziest thing they heard. You glanced at Gavin who was in the far away corner of the break room, watching you.

"So Y/n, how do you get your face to look so gorgeous."

"What product do you use in your hair, it looks so soft."

You listened to the women as they blurted out the most randomest questions about you. You took a moment to ignore them, pulling out your phone and checking out the time.

Looks like it's time to the crime scene.
"Sorry, but it looks like I have to leave. But to answer your questions, it's all about the genetics." You threw away your coffee cup, and gave both ladies a smirk and a wink as you passed them, going straight to your office.

"He's so sexy." Sarah fanned herself.

"Mhm." Brenda confirmed, placing a hand over her heart as she swooned.


Turing the wheel, you pulled up by the block, parking your car from the nearby police cars. Looking outside, you made a frown at the sign of rain.

You turned of your engine, and reached over the passenger towards the glove compartment. Opening it, you pulled out your small umbrella that you kept for situations of rain.

Moving it to your side, you opened it outside, closing your car door in the process. You looked over across the street, police cars, officers, and police tape surrounding the motel.

Watching closely, you spotted Hank and the Deviant Hunter enter room 28 of the motel. But soon came out with no direct clue as to where the AX400 ran to.

No cars seemed to pass by you, so you crossed the street, but soon stopped when you noticed someone open the back entrance of the motel and leaving with someone else in tow.

You squinted your eyes and caught sight of a blonde women, clutching on to a young person with black hair. Which you assumed was a child she was holding on to. The way their clothes were worn, their walking pace, and ducking and avoiding the sight of cops.

You knew they were wanted, especially the AX400. You looked above at the automatic train passing by. You knew their escape.

"Their getting away." You mumbled, not losing sight of them.

You your eyes went to slits, you ended up dropping your umbrella on the wet street. You walked slowly across the street. Pressing the side of your waist, feeling for the gun you kept in your holsters, in the inside of your suit.

Soon you began chase. Drawing out your gun. Gaining the attention of some people and a few officers.

"Hey!" You shouted. The android turned back.

The look on the androids face showed a look of shock and distress as she held onto the child's hand and made a run towards the train station.

"Fuck." You ran quicker, watching as the android avoided certain police officers and obstacles in the way.

You did the same, matching her movements. But the sidewalk, being wet by rain only made it a diffcult time running.

The AX400 soon made it up the stairs. Glancing up, the train made its last stop. The stop that the android was gonna get on.

You quickened your pace, following her up the stairs. Making it to the top, the AX400 held the child behind her. Her stance making it clear that she was going to fight if you tried anything.

"Hands in the air and nobody gets hurt." You drew your gun up, aiming it at her. "Don't make me place a bullet between your eyes."

The automatic train pulled up.

"Please, don't so this. I just want to be free."

"Yep, that's what they all say." Your serous tone not leaving your voice, but your lungs did burn from all the running.

"Please." This time, the plea came from the younger child, the look she gave you, the look of guilt that would shame you if you brought them in.

With no other choice, sympathy was your only option.

"Go." You lowered down your gun, doing your best to avoid eye contact with.

"What?" The AX400 looked at you, questioning your response.

"Go...Kara." Kara gave you a shocked look before rushing quickly into the train. A look of thanks was what gave you, feeling great for what you did, but letting a wanted person go was gonna get you into alot of trouble.

"Fowler is going to kill." Whispering to yourself, slipping your gun back to your holster.


I just heard that IHOP changed their logo to IHOB, now I wanna go get some breakfast there. 😢

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[Connor X Mother!Reader]: Really?

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