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This one is for a person going through hard times, and I made this for him. I hope you likey it! Lol!

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You were there for me,

I gave my heart to you,

My innocence too,

And I loved you for the things you do,

I smiled when I heard from you,

Or when you did such stupid things,

It made me excited just thinking of you,

My brain was dead while my heart sings,

Little did I know,

It was all just a show,

Then I figured you're a liar,

Utterly sadistic,

Manipulative and unrealistic,

You crushed my heart,

It hit rock bottom,

You really wanted what's inside my pants,

Well lookie joy, you just got 'em,

You don't realize how much you hurt me,

The pain is breaking me,

I can't believe I wanted my "I" to be a "we",

You left me standing on one leg,

You left me lonely,

I don't want this now,

It was just lies, games and mistakes,

I hate the way I feel at the moment,

My heart just completely aches,

The pain is throbbing through my veins,

I want to go and for you to leave,

But you won't let me escape these chains,

I'm trapped,

I'm stuck,

I have no luck,

But at least I have someone else here,

Someone here for empty me,

To help me through this hard time,

To help completely set me free,

So I won't be in your grasp any longer,

So I can easily swiftly leave,

But it can't happen just yet,

So for now I'll simply grieve,

Then that day will finally come,

When this person takes me away you,

And then another day will come,

The day I'll start to rue......


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