You question him back "then how did you just message me enjoy the warmth , it's cold outside, as if you know I'm out my house right now!" You sob.

He shouts "WHAT!! that was just out of the blue" he questions you continuing "wait y/n where are you?... why are you put outside your house?"

You shout back "NONE OF YOUR PROBLEM" and shut the phone. You hold on to your knees as you sit down bothered by everything, UUUUUGGHHHH LIFE I HATE YOU HATE YOU EVERYTHING HATE MYSELF!!!

You stay there waiting, for nothing, you have no hope, no one was going to listen to you, nor were you ready to listen to anyone. You just need no stress right now.

Your mood is ruined ... the plan for Suga is ruined, you don't care anymore, you don't give 3 dollars.

You notice after a long half an hour someone parks a car far aside from your entrance, it looks a lot like Jin's car, as it goes so fast you can't tell.

You huddle back into yourself not caring about the world, maybe j hoping inside that your parents might forgive you for not telling that he is your boyfriend.

I mean how could he snitch on me, he knows I've only told my mum, you thought heavily burdened.

When footsteps creep up to your door step. You elevate your eyes up slowly...

it's Suga... he bends down, kneeling on one leg, now eye to eye with you he puts his hand on your shoulder. You let him speak first with you left with nothing to say.  "Y/N...." he speaks in your ear softly and slowly, you can tell he is hurt by your suffering.

He lightly says "Yah why you here?" you ask him back "why you here?, because of you I'm here" you hit him annoyed but lightly.

He asks you "what have I done!!?" then you tell him what happened.

He sighs heavily looking down then rushing his hands through his soft hair. He looks dark and angry, his mind now filled with endless thoughts.

You tell him directly being brave "you're the one who was sitting next to me when I went, you're the only one who I let use my phone so who did this" He tells you "I'm so sorry about all this, uuuughh it's all my fault"

You watch him and tell him "how could you do this to me" he holds both of your shoulders and tells you "it's not me who did this, that's what I've been trying to tell you, it's nf/n".

you raise the question "Then why were you angry? You weren't that happy earlier" he tells you "Because I'm afraid! Why don't you understand y/n this is not simple! It's much more complicated than you think, I know I sound like the bad guy right now! But if you trust me it's not that..." he pauses after speaking continuously.

He holds your face as you speechlessly look into his dark eyes. His voice cracks as he tries to hide his internal crying" he stands up telling you to stand up too.

You look up to him and state "you actually came for me" he answers "Of course I would I am worried for you, and I want to erase those misunderstandings of yours"

he knocks on your house door, gestures you to get up and calls out "it's me Suga, y/n's.... boyfriend... it's urgent please open the door" they don't respond.

you add on "dad mum! If you just give me a chance, to explain myself" your mum opens the door feeling sympathy.

Suga stands behind you straight, tall and handsome.

Your mum looks at you then stares at Suga "oh! ... come in" you tell mum straight face "when I said I wanted Suga to come to our house one day, I didn't mean it this way" she opens the door not saying a word.

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