Introducing Naru Uchiha

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  "EVERYONE BE QUIET!!" Iruka shouted, in an instance, the whole class shut up. "Good, thank you. Good morning class, today we have a new student joining us today! Please come in." Murmurs started arising as a red-head walked through the classroom doors. He was handsome, as hot as Sasuke.

  "OMG WHO ARE YOU?! YOURE SO HOT!!" Fangirls on the first day... thought the red-head.

  "Hello everyone, my name is Naru Uchiha and I hope to get along with everyone here." He flashed a drool worthy smile, it always made Sasuke happy to see the smile but he was also jealous. Ugh! Only I get to see that smile!! Not them! Sasuke was fuming on the inside.

  "Thank you, you may sit behind Sasuke, unfortunately we have no seats available except the one at the back." Iruka continued as the fangirls became quiet to admire the pretty boy in silence. (Kit: Oh my, they know how to do that? I didn't know)

  Naru walked up to the seat behind his husband but before reaching, he gave his hubby and peck on the cheek while using a cheerful tone "Good morning~ Sasu~" leaving the whole class in shock, except Naruto who was dozing off as usual.

  That was the day Naru Uchiha was introduced to Konoha. A few months later Naruto Uzumaki went missing, just a few days before the genin exams.

  In between the months, the class found out that Naru was very strong, that just made the girls like him even more even though he was married to... their other eye-candy. They also found out that Naru has been at home in the Uchiha compound, cleaning up their huge compound to be suitable for living in, that is why they have never seen him.

  In truth, Naru just decided to drop the deadlast act and show his real self to the world without them knowing that it was him the whole time. He created a blood clone with his facade's personality and went to the hokage to apply for the academy, Sarutobi was a shocked that Naru wanted to get rid of his original identity as Naruto but understood the reasons.

  The villagers don't like Naruto, his fake facade just increased the hate so he was getting rid of the whole identity as the jinchiruuki (Kit: I think thats how you spell it), the village's bane and monster.

Now the world knows I exist...

Naru Uchihaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें