AKO Project ~ Paranormal/Supernatural "Hell's Soldier"

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She awoke with a start, gasping for a breath of the pitch black air that encased her. It felt good to breathe for some reason. Good to feel life running through her veins. It seemed fresh and new. The teenage girl raised her hands. They barely had to stretch from their sleep on her stomach before connecting with rough wood. Sliding her hand along, the girl discovered the wood was all around her and causing the dark. Realization struck her.

She was in a coffin.

Fighting the panic clawing desperately to escape her, she forced herself to breath more slowly, to conserve her air. Above her, was probably a ton of crushing dirt. She thought hard about how to escape her wooden prison. She could think about the other 'how's' and 'who's' later.

But she couldn't. Two pesky thoughts buzzed around her brain. Two names. One she recognized. It was her own. Grace Tonks. Another, less familiar, but she felt as if she knew everything about them. From the biggest and most obvious things, all the way down to the littlest details, hidden far beneath the surface. Ace Ryan Wulf. Grace was positive she had never met him before. But how else would that explain knowing so much?

Now that Grace had acknowledged the thoughts, they faded away for inspection at a later time. Finally able to focus Grace thought.

If she calmed her heart rate down enough, and then took and held the correct amount of air just as she'd break the wood above, then the dirt above her would cave in to fill the empty space created. Then, Grace could claw her way to the surface like some old-fashioned zombie.

She couldn't think of anything else. You can't exactly call for help in situations such as this. Grace only had one shot at it and decided to go for it, instead of wasting air. Closing her eyes she focused on her breathing. Her heartbeat slowed. Grace pulled in some air and held it. Not so little that she'd need to take a breath soon, but not so much her lungs were bursting with the need for release.

At the same time Grace cracked the coffin lid with strength she didn't know she had and pushed it away as clumps of dirt began to seep in. As soon as the coffin lid was gone dirt fell in more heavily, but slower than it should. She dismissed it. Grace began scooping the dirt downwards on a mission to get to the surface.

As her air thinned Grace's movements became more frantic. Eyes shut tightly Grace wondered if this was how she would die. Then her hands broke the surface. She clawed weakly until her head and shoulders were up too and she lay like that, catching fresh mouthfuls of air.

When Grace finally opened her eyes she had to squint. It was maybe midday. Tall healthy trees grew in straight lines, casting shadows across her clearing. A big hole in the trees allowed the sun to shine through. Grace sighed as she felt the sun warming her cold skin. It was such a nice feeling.

Grace's hands gripped the soft green floor of grass as she pulled herself free. A little wobbly on her feet Grace leaned on a tree for support. Her golden blonde hair was matted with dirt and the odd bug, her pale skin was streaked with it. Grace stared down at her clothes. A once beautiful royal blue gown was stained and in tatters, slowly rotting away. Her feet were bare and she wore a suspiciously spotless gold and red amulet, slightly smaller than her palm.

Grace took a few steps. How long had she been asleep for? Examining the gown Grace fell back as something overcame her. Grace lost her balance and as her head hit the ground her vision lit up with a memory.

A teenage girl in a magnificent gown that fit her perfectly sat straight-backed at a table piled with food. Around the table sat others. A tall, bulky man with jet black hair speckled with grey and a beard was talking to the woman beside him. She was blonde and dainty, mint eyes flickering from the man to the girl as an argument broke out between her and the younger boy beside her.

With a start, Grace realized that this was familiar.


The man and woman were married, her mother and father. The boy beside her was eight. A shock of black hair matched his black clothes. Chocolate eyes made him look like a spitting image of his father. Grace realized that the girl. She was her.

Grace heard the faintest of conversations.

"Please, Grace! Take me to the village tomorrow. I'll be good this time, I swear!" The little boy pleaded.

"No, Dante. Do you not remember the last time? You promised you'd be good and what happened? Someone's chicken house ended up on fire."

"I was only trying to get the cat out." Dante mumbled unhappily, slumping back in his chair.

Past Grace raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Sure you were." But because this was her brother she added, "we'll see how you go. Maybe."

Past Grace turned to her mother and was about to speak when a maid burst in.

"My King," she bowed. "The Werewolf Prince is here. He requests a meeting with you immediately."

"Well? What for? Tell Antonio he can wait. I'm having a meal with my family." The man said.

The maid sucked in a breath. "He won't like that, Your Majesty."

"I don't find myself to be caring all that much. If his father can have me wait on his land for ridiculous hours then I will do the same to his offspring. Be gone"

"As you wish." The maid left.

The chatter continued with a tense atmosphere. Grace opened her eyes and she was back in the clearing. What was that? Grace jumped as a hand rested on her arm.

"Are you alright miss?" Someone said.

A man had a worried look in his eyes and the group behind him watched curiously.

"I- I guess. Sorry, just had a bit of a fall. I'm fine." Grace had an accent that no one could place.

"Sure," the man eyed her. "What are you wearing?"

Grace frowned. Wasn't that obvious? Or had he not seen a lady before? Looking behind him it occurred to Grace that within it were women. They were wearing funny things that Grace had never seen.

"What are you all wearing?" She asked, visibly confused. "And where am I?" 


This is also apart of an actual story in my drafts. 



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