AKO Project ~ Horror "A Shadowed Figure"

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The wind howled like a hundred wolves, the trees scraped against each other and cast dancing shadows around the dark room. The house creaked as it seemed to sway, strong gusts of wind swirled around the house. It wasn't cold, yet a shiver ran down my spine.

I wrapped blankets closer around my small frame. Not that it would protect me from anything, but at least it brought a little comfort. I glanced around the dark room. I hated the dark. The thought of not knowing what could be there, the thought of something hiding, lurking in darkest corners of your room. The neverending feeling of something watching you, stalking you, observing you. Of course, I shouldn't be scared, should I? It's not like any of those things exist. You know ghosts and demons. Witches and zombies? It's just something adults tell us to spook us out, right?

I tried to get comfortable, I tried to take my mind off everything. I was safe and nothing could hurt me. I slowly closed my eyes, listening to the howling of the wind, the creaking of the floor, the whispering that seemed to chant ancient words.

Suddenly my heart stopped, my throat went dry. I held my breath, slowly I opened my eyes. I glanced around the room, my heart pounded rapidly. It must have been my imagination.

I closed my eyes once again trying to at least get a little sleep. Suddenly I had the feeling of someone staring at me, a cold breath, breathed against my cheek.

"Don't open your eyes" an emotionless and surely male voice spoke. My heart rate accelerated. I tried not to open my eyes squeezing them shut. I did not want to find out who or what had said that. I tried to keep them shut, but my eyes betrayed me opening them slowly.

I was faced with a tall figure, he was staring at me with cold dead eyes, he was grinning as blood dripped down his chin. His skin had a pale lifeless hue to it, half of his face was covered in scratches, skin in ragged strips. His tattered clothes were visible even though the shadows that shrouded his form. I glanced down at his arms to find he had no fingers, I continued to look down. The realization hit me this man had no legs and but somehow he was standing...


Co-written with the friend I did this project with, thus dedicated to her. I enjoyed working with you Nightskyarcher12 :D



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