Creative Writing ~ Memory

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Most of these come from my English classes. This paticular one was written ages ago, when I still wrote in first point of view. I find it really cringy reading old works but anyway. LuxuryBreeze was determined for me to publish my past writings book. So here it is XD.

I lay down on soft covers and gently closed my eyes. When I opened them again, pilgrims of sunlight filtered through closed curtains. Groggily pulling myself up I stood and walked over to my window. Pushing the curtains aside I thought of what I would do to keep myself entertained for the day. Grinning, I decided.

I slid into denim shorts and a simple white shirt. Then, making my way into the backyard I hummed quietly to myself. I kept walking until a fence jarred the way to my destination. Unfazed, I merely hoisted myself up over the tin and onto the wooden beam that ran along the top. I sat for a while and watched a sea of dead grass wave at me in the wind.

Finally I slid down to the other side. Upon hitting the ground I dropped to my hands and knees, easing the ground shock. The long grass itched my bare legs as the passed, one destination in mind.

And there it was...

A while ago, for a reason unknown to me, an old shed had collapsed in this very paddock. Never had it been cleared away. The walls were tilted sideways, the roof caved in. If I looked through the broken glass I could see the sheds skeleton. Scattered shelves and broken glass littered the floor. Weeds burst from every crack and hole. Not one piece of the floor was not covered by something.

It did not seem like a place anyone would like to stay. Except for myself, and my furry friend.

Cautiously, I opened the door. It groaned like my sister did when she was sent to complete something she didn't want to do. I had always liked to believe that doors had their own special sound when they opened. Much like a person's voice.

I swallowed. I never particularly like to come in here. I knew that it wasn't safe. But if my friend could be here, then so I felt, I could be too. I pulled something out of her pocket. It smelled like nothing I'd ever encountered.

Cat food, I decided, did not smell anything like my food. Trodding through a path I had created from my many visits, I made my way over to the furthest corner in the shed.

The bright yellow cat bowl looked out of place. To happy for the overwhelmed environment. But nonetheless it was there. And so was my friend. A small tabby kitten lay curled up in a tight ball beside the bowl. I smiled when I noticed the cat slept in the hand made nest that had taken me a day to make from the grass outside.

I opened the packet a poured the food into the bowl. The clattering sound alerted the cat to my presence. It lifted its head and opened its unfocused eyes. It mewled pathetically at me. My heart went out to the poor kitten. Where was its mother? I did not know. The kitten was unnaturally thin.

Pulling it onto my lap, I placed a single piece of food in front of the cat's nose. It greedily ate it. I could stand it no longer.

Today I would take him home.




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