Katsuki's Adventures (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

He looked at me like I was supposed to react in some way.

"Are we in some underground base or something?" I asked.

He hit the back of my neck. "HEY?! WHATCHA DO THAT FOR?!"

"A kid your age should know basic things about where we are." He looked around. "This is the Jeeha Village. No one here has been to the surface but me. Everyone says it doesn't exist, but my dad took me there when I was a kid."

I sighed. 'I really don't care about whatever these meatheads have to say, but I think I have to play along.'

"Why are you still down here, then?" I asked. He froze.

"Well, uh, I-"

"Nevermind. So what do you want me for anyway?"

His smile returned and his eyes lit up. He pumped a fist. "We're shutting off the electricity and using these flashlights to climb up the wall!!" he yelled, taking out seven small flashlights from his pocket. They were the kind you strap to your head.

"Hey, bro!" three guys yelled as they ran over.

"Good, we're all here. I timed the lights to go off in minutes so let's get ready!" he said, passing out flashlights. He even handed one to Nakada. "We'll be using these pickaxes to climb up the wall." He walked over to a pile of pickaxes and started to hand them out as well. Two per person.

"Is it safe to take a baby on something like this?" I asked.

Kamina looked at me like I was crazy. "Mystical Meisa is the best of us. She can tell where to go, when danger is coming, and how to pull off insane stunts! She can do just about everything we can do, if not better!"

'These guys are really crazy, huh?! It's a baby! It can't even run yet!!' I thought, reluctantly taking my flashlight. 'Well, I mean it is Nakada... so he could be telling the truth...'

The lights went out all around us. 'These tiny flashlights are supposed to be enough?!' I thought, using my hands to keep steady. I put my flashlight on and looked around.

There was yelling and screaming all around us.

"This is our chance, boys!" He grabbed onto all of us. "Let's go!!" He threw us out of our hiding spot and leaped out with us.


I dug my pickaxes into the wall, the axes taking a few seconds to hook onto the rock. They made deep streaks in the wall, horrible scratching noises coming from both.

Once I slowed to a stop, I looked around to see where the others were. I heard people noticing us, but I didn't bother to warn Kamina.

Climbing with pickaxes was much more work than it looks. By the time I was back where we were pushed from, my upper body was screaming at me.

It took only five or six minutes for all the lights to come back on. Quickly after that, people began to throw things at us as we climbed.

We had made decent progress, but the plan sucked to begin with so I wasn't really expecting all that much.

The man from before feverishly ran up to meet us at the next platform.

I wasn't paying him all that much attention, but Kamina was spouting some idiotic things about how he would "prove them wrong" and that "the surface does exist".

The man chasing us easily stopped us and had some people take away our flashlights and pickaxes.

Before I zoned out, I remember hearing the man tell Kamina that this was his "last strike" and that he wouldn't tolerate any more of his "shenanigans".

Shelter [Reader x Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya]Where stories live. Discover now