Chapter 1- Awakening

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~Open P.O.V.~
  "Sasukeeee how much longer? I'm getting tired." Suigetsu asked exasperated at the Uchiha's ability to walk hours on end without showing the least bit of tiredness.
  Sasuke merely shook his head at his companion and set his gaze ahead. His goal was ahead: one of Orochimaru's old, destroyed hideouts. He'd searched for this place for months, and to finally see it, or what's left of it, was a relief in itself.
  As the two approaches the remains of the hideout, Suigetsu stopped.
  "This is it? Sasuke I don't think you're going to be finding much of anything in this mess." Suigetsu said as he started prodding around at the rubble with his foot.
  Sasuke hates to admit it, but Suigetsu was right. Finding anything here would be a miracle: this was a true needle in a haystack. Without another work, the Uchiha got down on his hands and knees and started digging through the rubble, Suigetsu sighed and followed suit.
  After about 2 hours of digging at what seemed like nothing, Suigetsu stood up and flared at his teammate.
  "Sasuke this is ridiculous! Whatever you want, it's not here!" yelled the white-haired male as he aggravatingly kicked at a large rock which slightly moved over. At the end of the large rock Suigetsu had moved, a small, bronze handle stuck out from the earth. He stared at it in shock.
  "Sa-sasuke... Come look at this." He muttered motioning the raven over towards him.
  Sasuke was taken aback in shock. It was here, it wasn't just a myth!
  "Get it open!" Sasuke shouted & hurriedly started pushing the rocks and rubble away from the handle.
  As soon as it was cleared, Suigetsu started running his hand around the knob, then around the surrounding area, only to find indents in the earth that hinted at a door. He cocked his head and gave the handle a slight tug. Nothing. He tugged a little harder. Nothing.
  "Sasuke, stand back." Suigetsu stood up, grabbed the handle, and yanked it as hard as he could. The door came splintering off with a CRACK and he looked at Sasuke with a guilty smile. "Heh heh... heh..."
  Sasuke didn't even register the broken door as he closed the distance between himself and the newly-made hole in the ground. It was pitch black inside, but the glint of a bronze ladder could be seen. He grabbed the sides of the ladder and slid right down.
  "Ah, why does he do this to me." The Hozuki sweat dropped and shook his head. He took a sip of his water bottle then started descending down the ladder.
  Thud. The darkness took Suigetsu by surprise.
  Psshhhtt. Sasuke lit a flame onto a torch and started fanning it around the room. The room that spread out before them was a shock to anyone who would've seen it. Everything was stone and bronze. Both males were taking in the sight until Sasuke spun around and hit his arm against a large tank. He took a step back and shone his torch onto the sight. Inside the tank was a thick, red, bubbling liquid, and inside that liquid was the form of a human being. Neither could make out much of the ninja, the liquid was so thick.
  "Bingo." Sasuke murmered as he walked closer to the tank. It was obviously some sort of altered suspended animation system. Every so often small bubbles would float to the surface of the red substance.
  'Perfect.' Sasuke thought looking at the tank. He walked over to a panel set up to the side of the tank. He dusted the buttons off with his gloved hand and narrowed his eyes at the ABORT switch. He threw it.
  The tank immediately started shifting to an upright position from its dormant, laying position it had been discovered in.
  "I hope you know what you're doing!" Suigetsu gasped and jumped back frantically from the tank.
  He watched as the tank lowered and locked into the ground. Something snapped, and the door flew open releasing the red substance and he ninja along with it.
'It smells like.. blood?' Suigetsu thought and crinkled his nose at the smell of it. He didn't despise the smell, he actually favored it, but the thought of how old the blood mixture may be repulsed him.
  Sasuke walked closer to the ninja. There were no clothes to protect the unknown ninja from anything that was to come. Sasuke tilted his head towards Suigetsu's black cloak and gestured for him to hand it over. He complied.
  Sasuke shook the ninja by the shoulder and wrapped the cloak around their small form. No movement. He then raised his hand and slapped the ninjas back.
  Gray eyes shot open and a coughing fit filed the room. Frantic, jerky movements and coughing, flustered breathing was all that followed. The ninja tried to get up and kept falling over themself. Suigetsu walked to the figure and grabbed the ninja by the arm as he offered his water bottle up.
  "Drink up, Sasuke here doesn't realize people actually have human needs like water and sleep, so get some now while you can, eh?" He said with a toothy smirk.
  The ninja grabbed the bottle out of Suigetsu's and and sat back on their heels, sipping away. The ninja flipped red-stained hair out of their face to reveal gentle, feminine features below the blood smeared appearance.
  "Ashin Senju," Sasuke spoke. "You weren't easy to find, but I've released you to going team Heibi alongside me."
  She didn't answer, she just looked at him like she didn't understand what he was saying. She tilted her head to the side and looked at Suigetsu. She held the water bottle out for him to take, and as he did, the female reached out and grabbed hold of his arm and steadied herself to stand up.
  She looked the Uchiha in the eyes and merely nodded.

Suigetsu Hozuki - Messy LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora