When You Come Out

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It had been a long, yet fruitful day but nonetheless, your best friend was looking forward to nothing else but spending some quality time with you.

The takeout was already ordered, the ice cream chilling in the fridge and your favourite candy already brought. Yes, you two were going to have a night of pure carb overload and he could hardly wait.

Glancing at the clock, the male realised that he only had twenty minutes before you, his bestestest friend in the world, arrived to spend the night. It was common for you to sleepover at the weekend. In fact, your friend had even gone so far as to buy you both matching onesies. Scully and Mike ones, naturally.

He had hoped to start the evening earlier but you had called prior to warn him that you may be a but late. It all sounded very ominous but the male was sure that, whatever was keeping you, you would undoubtedly tell him about as you swept into his apartment and headed straight for the fridge, which he had stocked fully of soda and other unhealthy options.

Eventually he sat down upon the cream leather sofa, unsure really what to do for the remaining fifteen minutes.

He was yet to choose a movie on Netflix, that was something you generally did together but in your absence, the male had no choice but to switch on the television set, in hope of finding a decent film.

But before he could even click on the Netflix spp, there was something on the news that caught your friend's eye. He watched in horror as your face appeared on screen. Quickly scrambling for the remote, he turned the volume up, fearing the absolute worst. Had you been hurt? A car accident? Struck by lightning? Tripped over your own feet, what?!

The newscaster's voice filled the apartment. "And breaking news, today at the Smithsonian pride was certainly in the air. On lookers watched in awe as a mysterious masked person hung a banner from the front of the well-known museum." there was a close up of the banner. At that moment, the male could feel his heart rate race and his eyes widen in shock. The banner read:


His expression of disbelief quickly melted into one of pure happiness. If only you had told him about your plans, perhaps he could have got some rainbow candy in. No, instead he did the next best thing.

Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved his mobile and quickly typed a message:

I saw the banner. I'm so fucking proud of you.

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