Chapter 3

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I screamed and called for 911. 

The cops came with the ambulance. Me and Jungkook went inside the ambulance with him while the cops were investigating. The doctors were doing their thing while I was crying. I started to have memories when I was five....


"Dad!" I said kicking the soccer ball at him. He captured it and then kicked it to my mom...

We went back inside since it was getting darker and mommy said that Satan does his shit at this time. I told my parents about the dreams I'm having. 

"Mom. Dad." I said. "I am always having weird dreams of ketchup and water guns. Dad, you were in one actually. But you seemed really scared of the water gun. The water was in, like, small balls. Like a tiny water ball. It aimed you and ketchup was coming out of your head."

"Wow. Thats an really odd dream." said dad. 

"I know..." said my mom. 

My dad tucked me into bed... The last time I ever saw him.


ok but damn why was i so fucking stupid when i was young what the fuck

We made it to the hospital and quickly went into a room. 

I had to stay outside. I was hoping that he'll be okay. 

Then I got a call from my mom and picked it up. 


Jungkook grabbed the phone from me. "Oh. Miss. I told her to come to the grocery store with me. That's it" he said.

"Aaaaah Okay. It's okay then. Have fun you too!" I heard my mom say. 

"Thank you" I told him and he nodded giving me my phone back. 


I was still waiting until the doctor came outside. 
"He is breathing. However he is in serious pain and won't be able to walk, so he would need to rest." said the doctor.

"Alright." Jungkook said. "Can we go in?" 

"Yes you may." she said and left... 

"Are you ok?!" I asked as we were entering the room. 

"Yes... I'm sorry for worrying you two." Jimin said. 

"But who even shot a gun at you?!" I asked him. 

"I don't know" 

"Well. I'm really happy that your still alive."

He smiled. 

I got a call from my mom again and went outside. 

Jungkook P.O.V

"Who shooted the gun?" I  asked him.

"I told you, I don't know."

"How many people have you already killed?"

"I'm not saying."

"When will you stop killing them?"

'' I'm not saying..."

"You say you don't want to kill them and your being forced to. It seems to me that you enjoy it." 

He facepalmed. "Shut up. My mom will do the worst if I don't follow her orders."

"you know how to kill people. right? didn't she train you? kill her then dumbass"

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