12~ Coffee ~12

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Tw: Kinda the start of a panic attack also quick little mention of not wanting to eat

We were just sitting on the couch. Patton was talking to me about something and I was smiling. Patton was grinning because of my smile. Suddenly he said, "I love you." Of course I told him I loved him back but I didn't lead him onto think that it was more than a friend. "No, Virgil, I'm in love with you." I was shocked, Patton liked me back? "I was wondering if you weren't against it, maybe we could go on a date?" Patton asked and fiddled with the sleeves of the cardigan around his shoulders.

I nodded, "I would love to."

Patton's smile only grew, and he leaned closer, "Can I kiss you?" A blush rose to my cheeks and I nodded. Patton placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in. His lips were soft and sweet against mine. All too soon it was over. I smiled wider at him and took his free hand in my own.

"I love you," I whispered, glad that I could finally say it without it being seen as a friend love.

"I love you too," Patton whispered back.

Suddenly the world went black. Virgil opened his eyes and realized that it was just a dream. I'm just going to ignore that, Virgil thought when he remembered that he kissed Patton his his dream. Patton saw the emo sit up and smiled, "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

Virgil nodded, "Yeah I did."

"I could tell," Patton told him, "You were smiling in your sleep."

Virgil felt heat rise in his cheeks, "Must've had a good dream but I don't remember it." Patton smiled at Virgil's faint blush and handed him breakfast. Virgil looked to the plate of food, like always he didn't want to eat it but he was trying to recover and he couldn't do that if he continued to skip meals. Virgil took slow bites of the pancakes and Patton gave him a light kiss to his forehead. Please just kiss my lips instead, Virgil thought while Patton also thought, I wish I could kiss his lips instead.

To distract himself from Virgil's adorable face Patton began to make some coffee. "You want some coffee?" Patton asked.

"I've never drank coffee before so sure" Virgil told him. Patton made two cups and poured creamer into one then left the other plain so Virgil could flavor it however he wanted. Patton brought the mugs over to Virgil and sat down beside him.

Virgil thanked him and took a sip, "It's so bitter, why would anyone want to drink this?"

"Most people add cream or sugar to it," Patton explained. Virgil hummed and took another sip, which burned his tongue but he didn't really care. The two drank their coffee together and then Virgil felt his heart rate pick up. The coffee was kicking in and Virgil felt his energy go up but also his anxiety. Virgil's hands began to shake and Patton noticed this. "Are you okay?" Patton asked.

"I now remember why I never drink coffee," Virgil began, "Cause caffeine makes anxiety worse."

"Oh heck," Patton felt guilty for giving Virgil coffee if it made him more anxious but he hid the emotion in favor of helping his friend, "What can I do to help?"

"I-I like to to be held when I'm a-anxious," Virgil told. Patton pulled Virgil into his lap and held the anxious man close. The emo rested his head against Patton's chest and listened to his heartbeat. Virgil sighed and smiled, feeling content in his friend's arms. Patton ran his fingers through his friend's hair which calmed him down even more. They were both glad that it was Saturday so Patton had no work and they could spend the rest of the day like that.

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