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Chapter 9 ~ Dooooooors

Charles Beckendorf

"So you guys remember the prophecy, right?" Katelyn asked.

"Duh." Luke bit into a Snickers.

Percy looked like he was about to criticise Luke bit Katelyn stopped him.

"So I think I have a plan." She told us.

I clapped, "Good job."

Silena sighed, "So whats the plan?"

"It involves doors." Katelyn grinned, "Lot's and lots of doors."

Luke choked on his Snickers, "What now?"

"Dooooooooooors!!!" Katelyn laughed and walked away.

Is she okay?


After Luke replenished his Snickers supply we were off.

And now we stood front of a door.

There was nothing special about the door.  It was just a door. Yet Katelyn seemed to love the door.

"Door door doooooor!!!" She sang, dancing around the door.

Again, is she okay?

"So what's with the door?" Luke asked, eating yet another Snickers.

"Dooooor!" Katelyn yelled, then she became serious, "So you guys gotta open this door and we'll be freeeee!!"

"And how do you know this?" Silena swiped a Snickers.

Katelyn snapped her fingers and a sign appeared on the door.

"EXIT! So you wanna get out of this place! Well take the four from the prophecy and have them be all powerful and stuff. And BOOM! You can be free.

I squinted to make out the fine print.

Leaving may cause side effects!

These include, but are not limited to:

○Memory loss
○Major Confusion
○extreme hunger/thirst (as you feel neither here in the Land of the Faded)
And the always wonderful

Sounds promising.

"So what do we gotta do?" I asked.

"'The charm. The fire. The hero. The sea.' I assume you somehow use those powers to open the door."

"One problem." Percy interrupted, "We don't have our powers here."

"We don't?" Katelyn asked, as if she hadn't noticed before. She held out her hand and closed her eyes. A small spark of light flickered and disappeared.

"Guess you're right." She shrugged.

"I have an idea!" Percy suddenly grinned.

"Oh no." The three of us groaned in unison.

What is even happening in this book?

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