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Just love that pic up there XD anyways this probably be a short chap again sorry

Geno:greeeeaaat today were shopping for the dresses ink,dream,blue, paperjam seem excited but me and killer are just behind them and not really caring about all this were all are at the mall the 'guys' went to there store and are getting there tuxes why did we have it wear dresses (cause the author said say >:3) but as long as im not the only guy wearing a dress so thank god as we walk together we were there dream,blue,ink and pj ran in there all excited but again me and killer just mostly talked not really looking into the dresses till "oh come on gen,kills choose a dress ink,dream and pj already choose theirs" "na I think were good right gen" "yup were good" "we thought you might say that so me and dream chose a dress for you Geno and killer, pj and ink chose a dress for you" then they all giggled and put each of us in the changing room and threw us the dress they picked us 'they're so dead after this' I knew I couldn't escape from this so I put it on and to be honest it fit perfectly and didn't show my scar but how did they know my size? Nevermind I dont wanna find out anyways I came out and so did killer he felt the same as me embarrassed as hell while the others just fangirled "yup were taking theses now you guys can take them off and ill pay for them" "you have enough money for all these?" dream was right to question that "yup I saved a lot of money since I was a baby bones" I looked at him sarcastically "oh wow"


We were eating together our dresses in each of our bags and it was peaceful until they showed up "hey~" "reaper dont" everyone didn't seem to mind their boyfriends,were flirting with them but me its ok but reaper takes it to far "come on i just said hey no need to overeact~" "yeah like you never go to far" he than whispers in my ear "the only thing ill go far into is in your ass~" WHAT THE FUCK "REAPER!!!" I then slap him blushing but he just chuckles okay im done with this "okay guys it was fun and all but im going home" I then felt someone wrap there arms around my waist 'fucking reaper' "na ah ah your staying with me~" I looked at my friends for help but they just gave me a thumbs up and the others smirked and then I mouthed fuck you guys and thats when reaper grabbed our stuff picked me up and put me over his back "tootles~" oh boy

Okay yall invited to the prom BREAK THE FORTH WALL TIME XD and im done with the dresses ill show them to ya in the next chapter ba bye

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