ch.9 lemon warning

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Warning if u are a innocent cinnamon roll I suggest u skip this please

Reaper: i peered down at geno his eyes full of lust he was slightly panting i soon saw a soft glow under his clothes i smirked grinding against him i heard another of genos sweet moans turning me on more "ah reaper what are you doing~" geno moaned i bent my head down and licked his neck sending shivers down genos spine he moaned and panted more it was music to my ears i nipped at genos neck soon biting down hard i heard a gasp from geno and i tasted metallic substance i looked and saw geno bleed from my bite i licked up the blood from his neck geno squirmed under me i slowly trailed my hand down to the rim of genos pants i stuck my hand in and felt that geno had summoned a entrance "needy are we~" i asked geno nodded back panting i thrusted a finger into him geno moaned and clinged onto me "Ahh reaper~" he moaned i thrusted my finger faster soon assing another i scissored him stretching his entramce geno winced a bit "its ok something bigger is coming~" i smirked pulling down genos pants he gasped and quickly tried to close his legs but couldent since i was between them i pulled down my pants teasingly geno was watching he was a beautiful shade of dark red

Geno: i panted and moaned i couldent even think straight i stared at Reaper as he unzipped his pants showing his member (ಥ_ಥ) i drooled a bit watching him reaper smirked at me and before i knew it i felt a unbearable pain "AH REAPER" i screamed reaper stopped and looked at me with a look of concern and lust "its ok gen dont worry it will feel better soon~" reaper cooed whispering sweey nothings to me i soon started to feel relif and the pain was replaced with pleasure i moved my hips and moaned "reaper~" i begged

Reaper: after what i called an eternity geno moaned rocking his hips "reaper~" he moaned i smirked and started to slowly thrust in and out of geno his moans echoed and he clinged to me i thrusted hard and fast each thrust going deep inside geno i felt a slight knot in my stomach and i realized i was close

Geno:"Ah ReaPer~" i moaned throwing my head back my toung rolling out of my mouth i felt something tighten in my stomach and i soom felt it release reaper looked down at me he grunted befor thrusting deep hitting my prostate he cums inside me i panted and fell limp the feeling of being full consumed me i hugged reaper and panted my eyes half lidded i felt tired

Reaper:i smirked and pulled out of geno collapsing next to him "i love you~" i smiled snuggling geno

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