"Yeah Bay we should head back to our hotel room to pack" I say, she always blushes when I call her that nickname which makes me smile.

"What's with tomato girl over there" Naomi asks which makes Bayley blush more and hide her face in my neck.

"Oh my god! She is blushing more!" Paige said

"Okay we're leaving goodbye everyone, see you all in California." She says and quickly walks out.

Once we are outside I see Bayley with her thinking face on which I think is cute, her head tilts and she furrows her eyebrows like a puppy. I pinch her cheeks and she looks at me.

"What" she laughs cause I'm still playing with her cheeks.

"What you thinking about?" I ask

"How I'm going to drive us back to our hotel while still hugging you" she says evilly .

"Bayley! Just put me down" I try to get down but since she is taller so I can't reach the floor.

"Nope, and why? Your all warm" she says and hugs me.

"Pretty please Bay?" I say into her ear and when I pull back I see a red Bayley.






"Somebody help I'm being kidn-" I am mid scream when Bayley's hands fly up and cover my mouth.

"Oh my god you ass! What if someone came and thought I was kidnapping you!" She asked scared which made me chuckle.

"Then I would agree" I reply earning a hit on the arm from her.

"You know Bayley I really should call the cops on you" I say rubbing my arm.

"No! I can't lose my good girl rep! And you know you could've gotten down, you know you have been holding yourself on me, right?" I blush when I realize my legs were wrapped around her tight again.

"Shit" I mumble, what is up with me today it's like my body doesn't want to detach from her?

"Am I to heavy? Did I hurt you?" I ask running my fingers over the soft skin of her waist instead of her shirt since her tank top must have raised, I noticed goosebumps form on her skin.

"N-No Sash your fine, your light, and since you missed your chance" She says which confuses me until I feel her hands on my thighs supporting me again. "I get to still carry you" she concludes and smiles and starts walking.

"Bayley! Put me down!"

"Make me" I raise a eyebrow

"Okay...you asked for it"

"For wha-" She bursts out laughing when I begin my assault of tickles. "Okay!Okay! I'm sorry there go!" She says between laughs and lets my legs go but I still hang on and continue my attack.

"There I let go! Stop! Sasha!" She is dying of laughter now. I'm not kidding you'd would die if you saw what I saw, Bayley's light abs where flexing every time she would laugh that beautiful laugh which has always been a favorite sound of mine.

"Why? It's fun!" I say and keep tickling her, all of a sudden I feel soft fingers on my stomach and they begin to tickle me.

"Okay I'll stop!" I yell in a laugh

"Your right this is fun" she says.

Eventually we stop because our stomachs hurt from laughing to much.

Unnoticed Love (G x G) COMPLETE ✔️💯Where stories live. Discover now