♥04♥ Animal Kingdom Arc - Bakugou and Yuuki

Start from the beginning

"That Bakugou! If you use your imagination and turn that honey badger into a human again, it's a girl sleeping on his lap!" Mineta was so jealous that he was biting onto a handkerchief like a jealous female rival from early 90's shoujo manga. 

"I've never seen Kacchan like that before." Even to Midoriya, this side of Bakugou was something he had never ever seen before and they grew up together. 

Iida felt bad because he saw Yuuki's drawback of the Quirk to be his fault. He looked visibly upset; Yuuki was so close to being violated and he couldn't do a thing for her. She did her best to injure the enemy and keep it at bay from attacking him. Yet, he did nothing. 'This isn't the time to be wallowing in the past! I will have to work harder!' The only thing he could do now was resolve to get stronger that no one will be able to stop him! 

Bakugou was stroking Yuuki from the head all the way to her back and then repeat. The way he treated her right now was like an owner and a dog. There was a small smile on his face.

Everyone decided to turn in for the night. They were all thankful for Yaoyorozu for making tents and blankets for them. 

Kirishima was the only one who could sit on the same log as him. Maybe it's the fact Bakugou accepted him as a friend or maybe it's the fact Bakugou didn't dare to make a sudden movement that could wake up the honey badger. Either way, Kirishima was allowed to sit by his side. 

"So cute! I heard from Iida she put up a pretty good fight against a giant cobra!" 

"She cut off the last penis." 

"Snakes have two penises?!" 

"Stop shouting, you weird hair bastard!" But Bakugou was shouting too! 

Yuuki snorted once, both boys stilled until they realize she was still sleeping. 


Kirishima smiled at Bakugou, "Bakugou, everyone is talking about how rare of you being nice." 

"Huh?! Why is it weird? I'm being myself!" 

"No, definitely different from usual." Kirishima pointed at Yuuki, "She's bringing out a side of you that not even Midoriya have seen. Is there...is there something between you two?" 

"No." Bakugou might let Kirishima sit on the same log as him, but that didn't mean he wanted Kirishima to know about his past. 

"Oh, come on!" 

"I told you there is nothing!" 

Kirishima was not stupid though! "Oh! I see! You are a man after all! The manliest man there is too...!" 

"Ah?" Bakugou wanted him to get to the point. 

"You're in love~." 

"I am not even in love, fuck-face! How can you be in love with someone who was once your family?!" 

Kirishima caught him! He was surprised because he didn't expect Yuuki to be...what was that? Bakugou's family?! 


Bakugou was so angry at Kirishima right now, but he was more angry at himself for blabbing out at the moment. Now what? "I had my suspicions since the beginning." Bakugou said to Kirishima, without even looking at him. He continued to stroke Yuuki's fur as he continued. "This was my pet." 

"What kind of a parent buys their little boy a honey badger?!" 

"Who said I got her for a present, dipshit?! I found her and I kept her." He closed his eyes in order to remember it...

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