Fight for You (Kellin Quinn Love Story)

Start from the beginning

Jesse poked his head into the room, "First things first, did you really have to bring Dits over here?" Jesse teased poiting at Davion. Davion stuck her tongue out at him and just glared, "And secondly are you guys almost ready the boys are here." He said than left quickly. I gave Davion a nervous glance before slipping my red heels back on and grabbing my red toms just in case my feet started to hurt.

"I guess we shoulld head downstair." I muttered, putting my make up away and giving myself one last glance in the mirror.

Davion came up besides me and chcecked herself out for a moment obviously approving of her own outfit, "C'mon Mani lets just try and have some fun. Plus I'm freaking starving!" She laughed tugging at my arm and pulling me out of my room.

I was prepared to see the boys though. These guys were like family to me, well except Kellin of course. That would be kind of weird.

I headed down the stairs with Dav trailing behind me, looking over the railing at the very nicely dressed five boys.

"Hey Mani!" Justin said leaping up from his seat on the couch to hug me. Just was like my older brother, we teased each other constantly but would do anything for each other. I wrapped my arms around him knowing how much I would absolutely miss him.

"Hey Jus, your dressed so nice!" I said surprised, I don't think I ever saw Justin dressed nicely!

"Hey hey be nice to jussy." I heard Kellin say over my shoulder, I turned around looking at the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. Kellin was dressed in skinny slacks, a purple collared shirt with rolled up sleaves and a black vest to match his pants. He good!

I hadn't realised I had just been standing there, looking him up and down until he cleared his throat again, "Don't I get a hug too?" He smirked. I just smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my tip toes. He smelt so good too, ugh.

"Guess what?" Kellin said still smirking at me.

"What?" I asked nervously, not sure what he was going to say.

"I wore my Armani Mania cologne in honor of you." I laughed, all the other guys joined in. I sighed laughing a long with them

"Hey Davey." The guys all said in unison, except for my brother.

"Hey Dits!" He teased again. Davion just brushed it off, whipping her hair long pink hair over her shoulder and in his direction, taking a between Gabe and Jack. The boys snickered and Kellin turned back to me, just looking at me. I looked at him too, trying to think of something, no, anything to say.

"So, um, where are we going for dinner." I finally spat out, sounding like a complete idiot. Kellin did something he always did to everyone, he put his arm around me.

"No idea, let's see if Daddy Jesse knows." He joked, pulling me along with him over to where Jesse and Davion were already arguing about which superhero is the best. Batman or superman? I was on Davion's side with Batman of course.

"Hey, hey lovebirds chill out," Kellin teased the two, both Jesse and Davion turned to face Kellin and me, "Jesse where are we going out to dinner, were all starving!" He asked the ginger headed brother of mine.

"Red Lobster!" Jesse and Gabe coo'd. I rolled my eyes not surprised, that was their favorite place to eat. I didn't mind though I loved Red Lobster. I just don't get why everyone's so dressed up for Red Lobster.

Me and Kellin gave each a look like, 'oh great'. I sat down. I sat down next my lovely brother and Kellin sat down all the way over next to Jack. Why couldn't he just read my mind and sit next me for once?

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