Chapter 1 --- Rejected

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Bella POV:

Bella woke up to yelling. It was her twin Brad "Bella wake your fat ugly ass up you stupid cow you are supposed to have our breakfast done by now". He kicks her door down throws her off her " bed", which is just a mattress and a blanket, and beats her black and blue.... yes she is a werewolf but they have fed her wolfs bane in the little food they do give her. There are a few things her pack doesn't no about her she is very good in working the stock market, so she has a lot of money, and she is a white wolf (there is only one every 10,000 years and they are very powerful and have special powers). After her brother is done she has to go get buckets of water (cold) so she can take a shower. She gets dressed in her oversized baggy sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt does her hair I'm a messy bun and goes to cook the pack breakfast. When she walks down the stairs she is kicked slapped punched and pushed down the stairs. She serves everyone breakfast and run out the pack house to school before they can give her another beating.

********** At school. **********

Bella barely makes it to school and as she walks in she smells the most amazing smell, chocolate and strawberries, and her wolf Brandi goes into a frenzy saying go to mate go to mate Bella just keeps walking and standing by her locker is the soon to be alpha Dylan making out with his slut of the week Stacy and the smell has become stronger. Dylan looks up from his slut and sniffs the air looking around and he looks her direction. Bella just walks away to class feeling depressed for some reason and then she feels some one pull her into the janitors closet. She instantly feels the sparks and looms up and sees Dylan she feels so giddy and her wolf Brandi is going nuts but all that stops when she sees the hateful look swirling in his utterly beautiful blue eyes..... and the words that came out of his mouth hurt her to the point of wanting to kill her self even though she has never thought of it before... "I Alpha Dylan reject you pitiful poor fat ugly skank of a mate Bella "

Bella thought she had been shattered she ran out of the closet to find her only friend Brei and pull her into the girls bathroom and tell her everything and sob her heart out. Brei tells her she has to run and never look back they have beat her enough and her mate will make it worse now. Bella and Brei run home and Brei helps her pack while Bella writes notes to the two people who hurt her the most

Brad, you were supposed to be my brother and take care of me and not let everyone beat on me but you just joined in with them. Don't worry I'm gone out of your hair and best of all you are no longer my brother you are nothing to me so see ya later loser.....

Dylan, you are the soon to be alpha by that you are supposed to protect your pack not beat on them and you are not supposed to beat your mate but you no what u rejected me and I Bella accept your rejection you suck and why don't you just go fuck Stacy again we both no you already have more than once today.

Bella thanks Brei and promises her that she will come back one day but she doesn't no when. She gets to the woods shifts into her all white wolf with clear blue eyes and runs and runs.

Bella has been running for a week and she has hunted along the way and ate rabbits and small animals along the way she runs up on a beautiful waterfall and decides to rest there till the next day she is about to fall asleep when she hears a twig snap she immediately gets into a defensive stance in her wolf form and sees five wolves step out in a v formation obviously the center wolf is the alpha he just radiates power. Bella lays down on her stomach and submits to the alpha not wanting a fight espically being out numbered.

RejectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora