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When chenle woke up Jisung had his arms wrapped around the oldest waist.

It wasnt morning yet. It was too dark for that.

Chenle heard rustling outside the tent

What the hell? He mumbled to himself and carefully sat up.

The rustling was kind of loud. It scared chenle,
A lot.

He clung onto Jisung's arms and froze as if any noises would cause his death.

The noises stopped, and trailed away, then he realized there was a note zipped into the door.

"What the hell?"

Chenle carefully grabbed the note,

Look chenle,
If you didn't want to be with me anymore you could've told me

Instead I find out you kissed some kid on the bus

It hurts chenle. It really does

Holy shit I forgot. Oh my God I forgot about my girlfriend
How did I forget about my girlfriend
Oh god

Chenle crumpled the note and threw it across the tent.

He put his head in his hands and grabbed his hair.

He started crying really hard and didn't realize that Jisung was awake.

"Chenle? Chenle what's wrong!?"
"Chenle calm down! Tell me what's wrong!"

Chenle snapped out of it and looked back at Jisung and just shook his head.

"Talk to me chenle... I'm here for you okay? I'm always here for you no matter what. You're amazing and I hate seeing you sad so.. so stop it.
Tell me what's wrong, please, it... It physically hurts me.. it makes my stomach twist just seeing you like that. "

Chenle turned around and wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck.

He cried into his shirt for a solid 5 minutes until he leaned back for a breath,

"Jisung... There's something I havent told you and i- i- I'm scared y-you'll hate me if I tell you about it a-and I  don't want that.. I can't stand the thought of you not wanting to talk to me i-"

"Hey chenle?"


"I could never, ever hate you. Tell me. Please."

"This is not going to be good.." chenle mumbled, covering his face with his hand and he told jisung about his girlfriend,
That he forgot about,

And just so happened to forget to tell everyone about.


That's some tea.

Some hot tea


Difficult  ;; Chensung ✅Where stories live. Discover now