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me: hi all

Everyone else: WHO SAID THAT!?!?

author: its me the author / a god of this world ^-^

riko: are you the one that made me and kanna meet   X3

author: hahaha no that was my cousin oh and you need to know almost everyone that kanna and you know is a dragon -force them all to change into there dragon form-

riko: wha- 

-they all turn back and riko hugs kanna-

riko: i still love you kanna please let us still be friends

kanna: -nods- i don't mind riko

-riko has her normal cuteness overload-

author: oh and from now on people from other worlds well be able to write to you through the sky but only a few can go through so keep a eye out and follow what they say or ill punish you all oh and one more thing

everyone: what?

author: kanna?

kanna: yes god-sama?

author: please just call me author or author-bō

kanna: ok author-bō

miss kobayashi: tohru i thought made this

tohru: i might of met god at a grocery store and he agreed to write the story with me...

fafnir: well at least the god seems to like us oh and god-bō can i give the first dare?

author: of course fafnir but only cause you will be dared to do weird or terrible things

fafnir: ok thanks god-bō i dare tohru to pay for her decision to annoy you by being naked and away from kobayashi for 3 hours

tohru: what there is no way god-bō will agree

author: hahaha ok then 

-tohru holds onto kobayashi-

author: tohru i'll count to 5 then you need to let go or get punished

tohru: -god counts down- i won't leave kobayshi!!

-god finishes counting and tohru disappears after she gets zapped by lightning-

kanna: what happened to tohru god-bō?

god-bō: she just got zapped and sent to hell for 3 hours where she will be slashed and tortured

-kanna starts to fake cry like she did to make riko her friend-

god-bō: ahh dont cry kanna-senpai i'll ill bring her back right now

-tohru comes back and kanna stops crying-

kobayashi:[she even has god wrapped around her finger...]{<--- thats a thought bubble}

truth or dare with kanna and miss kobayashiWhere stories live. Discover now