Chapter 4

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Oh man! I'm so glad you guys love this book. Thank you all so much for reading it, I honestly thought it wasn't going to get this popular. Thank you all so much!

And recently with watching the new season. I may or may not have just invented a new ship.. I'll tell you at the end of this chapter.

I'd also like to know if you guys would like to hear a comparison to how Norwegian trolls are different from trollhunters trolls. Please tell me your opinion in the comments I would really like to do a comparison. But you know amino.. no off topic stuff. And they have been cracking down hard lately!

Anyway enough chatter, off to the story!

As Gunmar made it back to his hideout. He told Dictatous he wanted to be alone. Then he sat in his nest. He could feel the tiny human in his stomach struggling. The potion had worked!

And because of it you were unharmed. But you were terrified for sure. Hyperventilating made the churning walls of black flesh confusing and scary. You tried your hardest to avoid the rising bluish liquid. "Please!! Let me out!!" You cried.

"Please, I don't want it to end this way!!" You wailed, banging on the walls. You struggled, and struggled. Until you realize that nothing was going to hurt you down there. Calming down you sat and looked around.

The stomach walls were a very dark blue color, almost violet. Reaching up you gently felt around. The walls were soft and warm. Soft gurgling came from different places every now and then. The sound was soothing, as you completely relaxed you were pulled up into Gunmar's mouth.

He set you down in his arms as he lay in his nest.

His one cold eye stared down hard at you. The beast's face was devoid of emotion, he even seemed disappointed. For the longest time he stared. Then gently layer his massive head down.

Gunmar's breathing was deep, and heavy. He was tired from doing activity, he was still debating on what to do with you. Now that he had you. Thinking it was safe you carefully and slowly turned around. Spotting the entrance of the cave room.

Looking back, Gunmar seemed to be asleep. So you quietly began climbing over his arm. But as you came to far over it a deep "Ggrrrrrrrrrrr" sounded from the huge troll. "Aah!" Frightened you swerved around, sitting back down.

Gunmar had opened his eye, with once again stared. Unblinking cold blue stare soon as he'd gone back to resting, you would try to find some way to crawl out from his grasp. But every time, every attempt to escape lead to your ears being greeted by Gunmar's loud deep growls.

After what felt like forever, you finally stated to just fall asleep. But were interrupted by the huge troll standing on all fours, and stretching like a ginormous cat. He even did the yawn and everything.

Gunmar got up, leaving the tiny human in his nest. He walked up to the reflective wall in his room. Walking back and forth, he mumbled some things in trollish. Before turning back to a snapping sound of a twig.

You had carefully climbed out of the nest while Gunmar was busy, and were sneaking away when suddenly *SNAP!!* Omg... you thought, hearing the dark troll lord stop what he was doing. You dear not look back.

"Where do you think your going?" Turns out you only traveled a few inches from the nest before stepping on a twig. "Uhhh.." you took one more step, then another. What kind of game was this? Thought Gunmar, "Get back into the nest, I haven't decided what to do with you!" He growled.

But you protested with taking another step. Looking back at him, you gave him a guilty innocent look. "Grrrr... human!" He said once more, before taking one big step towards you himself. Taking one last step, you started a sprint for the exit.

Sadly Gunmar was on you with in minutes. *WAAMB!!!* "AAAH!!" You screamed as the beast landed a huge hand like paw down onto you. You swore if he wanted to he would've crushed you. Turning you over Gunmar growled annoyed.

"I told you to GET BACK INTO THE NEST!!!" He hollered, picking you up by the shirt in his mouth like a cat would pick up a little mouse. He tried to bring you back to his nest. "Put me down!!" You cried, beating his face. Your weak kicks and whacks did nothing against his tough stone skin.

You did more harm to your self by hitting him, it was like smacking your hand against concrete! Although a little softer with the flexibility of skin. "Rrrgh!" Angry you landed one more hard hit. This time slapping him in the nose.

He dropped you and stopped, putting his hands up to his sniffer. "Ow! WHY YOU LITTLE! RRROOOOOAAARRR!!!" Gunmar roared in your face fitting in rage he swung his massive hand across your entire body. Pounding you into the dirt, and giving you an ugly gash on your arm. Surprisingly that blow didn't kill you. But out of pain and fear, you began to cry out loud.

Gunmar had realized what he'd just done. "Rrrrr.. Odin have mercy on me! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE MADE ME DO!!!" His yelling only made things worse, causing you to cry louder. "Now, it's not that bad." Truth is it was, he gently tried to pick you up as you cowered from him.

Carefully he curled up with you in his nest. He began licking your wound, as your crying seized your arm started to feel better. Gunmar's saliva made the gash glow and it began mending itself. Looking up at him still afraid, but some how curious. "Dont try to leave again, without permission. The potion I made you drink, it protects you from things that can kill you. But not from things that hurt you. Most importantly it was part of my magic. So physically you belong to me now. Don't forget it!!"

"I... I want to go home." You said cautiously  now looking him over. He didn't answer, sighing he layed his head down once more to rest. You took that as a no. So instead, you presumed your curiosity. Hesitantly you lifted your hand. Fearfully and gently, you placed your hand on Gunmar's cheek.

Unsettled by Gunmar's eye, as it watched you. But he let you do what you wanted, as long as you weren't trying to get away. You were examining every little detail, and marking on his face. Fascinated by the blue glow he gave off. You climbed onto his horn. Looking at the long black fur covering his back. You hesitantly pet his main. It was soft and warm.

Soon you heard a heavy thumping sound. Startled you looked over his back, to see his short but huge tail thumping against the floor. "Come back down." He called. Obeying you climbed back down to him.

For the rest of the day Gunmar slept, but kept his eye on you from time to time. You didn't move from him, knowing that it wasn't probably a very good idea right now. So you ended up falling asleep as well.

Sorry that chapter was short.. and kind of boring. I don't really have any ideas yet. I'll have to rewatch the series again.

I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. Hopefully the next one will be more exiting.

Anyway let me know if you'd like me to compare the difference between Norwegian trolls and trollhunters trolls. And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye for now! 😊

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