End of Book 1

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Hi everyone..

I apologize for taking so long to complete this book. There is still so much to explore and I wanted to bring my own twist into things. But as it happens to all of us. Life grabs hold and starts smashing you against walls. I'm sure all of you know how .. Covid effected things. ( ò_ ó) but after countless annoying letters yes. I know you guys are eager for new content but sometimes it can be a bit of a downer. I listened to your requests and finished the first book.

Yes The first book! As an artist I thought it would be fun to write a huge book. But as always I ended up biting off more than I could chew. So you guys get an up coming series yaayy.. So as I go along I will be working on other books since yes there are other things I like. I will be meticulously working on book two in the background. In the meantime. Feel free to try out my other series and hopefully you'll find what you like. Thank you all so much! 👌

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