First day

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Keith did what was normal for him

He got up at 6:00am used his bathroom which he was so lucky to have connected to his room his own bathroom he brushed his teeth and his hair had a ten minute shower brushed his hair again put it in a pony tail and got dressed

He put his homework in his bag and headed downstairs undoing his dead bolt door

While he was walking down the stairs a bear bottle came flying at him he dodge it being used to waking up to his drunk father he went to the kitchen made lunch for the three of them leaving his fathers in the fridge his mothers in her purse and his in his bag he went to the bathroom with a cup of water and gave it to his crying depressed mother

He handed the water to his mothers implying she should drink it  she drank it after saying a quiet" thank you" to which he nodded before running passed his father to the door barely making it out as his father tried to grab him not going to school on the first day with a black eye he quickly got on his motorcycle the one he got from his uncle two years ago as a present that he kept in some bushes in their backyard and rode to school by time he got there it was eight  school started at eight thirty  he went in early to check out his new class working it into his new routine

When he got there he said hello to the his new teacher well he waved Keith could speak but he never did he decided that he would never speak again this happened over time not at school but at home he slowly stopped talking it became uncomfortable at school to talk and he almost never spoke anyway with his "friends" so he decided to just stop talking which wasn't a big change he told his teachers and they all excepted him for not talking he started getting bullied for it a year later but he expected it so he just went with it and he was used to the pain of getting beaten

Keith likes to stay in routine it keeps him in check for him at home everything is unexpected he doesn't feel safe sleeping so during the day his paranoid thoughts always linger but he's good at controlling it he keeps a stone cold face always only cracking a fake smile to be nice

He is used to this and is okay with it everything will someday seem the same fall into order he will be happy at least this is his dream to run away and be able to trust someone enough to feel the need to talk with them

And so here he is using his sketch book to talk with his teacher he likes talking like this more than sign language he can always add things to the words like colours and designs when he feels bored it's extremely relaxing to him he enjoys writing reading  drawing and painting anything a quiet person would like he likes well except going to the gym he loves going to the gym it's his anger management and his way of dealing with EMOtions

Heh heh heh

Keith sat down in the back corner next to the window he wasn't planning on being that cliche protagonists in anime that doesn't  pay attention and just stare out the window but when he finishes his work he like to grab his sketch book and draw things he saw outside sometimes he would take pictures of people and draw them since people don't stay in one spot for long but for now he waited till class started

Soon Keith's English classroom began to fill with students Keith was relieved none of them noticed him until a girl came up to him she was very short and had her hair cut it wasn't obvious she was a she very unlikely to find out but Keith was extremely good at reading body language scary in fact Keith felt the need to ask her pronouns but he wasn't going to start the conversation after all Keith didn't like"talking"since writing that much hurts his hands

"Hey my names pidge your new right"pidge asked

When ever I do jsjsjdhejwjakakkjsndndthis it means that the person I'm talking about is thinking

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