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The door to Anais's apartment was wide open when Rafael showed up. He took a deep breath and knocked on the doorframe. "Anais?"

There was no answer but he walked in anyway and quietly closed the door behind him. The place was an absolute mess with clothes and even broken glass on the floor. Rafael heard sobs coming from down the hall so he followed the noise. Anais was sitting on the floor in the middle of her bedroom, her face buried in her knees. Rafael knocked again and she jumped.

"Hey," he greeted with a grin.

She wiped her tears and tried to smile back but it failed. "Rafa," she sobbed, waving a lock of hair out of her face. "He's gone. He left me, he's gone."

"I'm sorry."

"He's gone." She broke down again and Rafael couldn't help but get on the floor and hug her.

"It's okay." He held her as tight as he could. "It's gonna be okay."

"I just woke up and he was gone, I don't understand," she said, taking in a shaky breath. "I got back together with him, that's what he wanted. Why did he leave?"

"I don't know," Rafael responded. "But maybe it wasn't meant to be, you know?"

Anais nodded. "I guess."

"Let's clean up," he suggested. "Maybe if you get moving it'll make you feel better. Nothing's gonna change if you sit in the corner all day."

"Nothing's gonna change if I clean up the house," she laughed.

"At least the place will be clean." He helped her off the floor.

They spent the next hour or so tidying up the rooms and putting things back where they were supposed to be. Rafael made her laugh a few times and he took pride in that accomplishment, especially since she was in desperate need of a few laughs.

"I didn't think you would care about me," Anais confessed, pouring two glasses of scotch when they were done. "I know I made you pretty upset yesterday."

"Yeah, but I care about you, unfortunately," he joked. "Diggs told me you were crying and I had to help you."

Anais smiled. "That's sweet."

"I know Jewel is crazy and probably wouldn't let Diggs help you so I had to come down here myself. You may have hurt my feelings but it wouldn't be right to leave you hanging when you needed someone, you know? It wouldn't sit right with me."

"You're so sweet, Rafa, I don't know what to say."

"Just say thank you."

She giggled. "Thank you. But can we talk about what happened last night because I still feel really bad."

"Don't. It's not the end of the world."

"But it felt like it," she told him. "I thought I was gonna lose you."

He smirked. "That made you upset?"

"Of course, Rafael, we're friends. I was devastated."

Rafael still didn't like that f-word being thrown around so leniently. Daveed's words about making that "rebound" echoed in his head and he reached for the red envelope in his pocket and handed it to Anais from across the counter. She hesitantly accepted it.

"What is this?"

"Just read it."

She broke the seal and unfolded the paper inside, giving Rafael a glance for reassurance. She read it out loud:

I miss our time together
before it's been fully had,

I mourn my future past
when we're together
That's how I know
This love is mad.
~Rafael Casal

Anais blinked. "Love?"

"I know this is crazy and we've only known each other for a few weeks but...I love you, Anais. You're beautiful and smart and your heart is so big. I love everything about you, seriously. You've changed my life during this very short time and I wouldn't have it any other way."


"You don't have to say anything. You don't even have to love me back. I just wanted you to know."

Anais looked over the letter again and folded it back into fourths. Rafael watched her put it back in the red envelope before rounding the corner of the counter. They stood face to face.

"I'm a fucking idiot," Anais confessed. "I was trying to save a relationship that was failing when I should've listened to you and taken a hint. You cared about me the moment I got here and I blew you off for what? A lame ass boy who dipped after I basically sold my soul to him? Why'd you let me do that?"

"I wanted you to be happy and I couldn't do anything to change your mind. It wasn't my choice ultimately."

"Your poems are beautiful, Rafael and so are you. I'm sorry for ignoring you. You didn't deserve that."

"It's okay, seriously. Don't worry about it."

"So can we start over? The right way?"

Rafael smiled and took her hands in his. "I'd love to."

"And for the record, I'm willing to give us a try," she said, squeezing his hands. "Fuck Cornell."

"I agree."

"It's just you and me now, okay? I love you too."

Rafael smiled and pulled her in for the kiss he'd been waiting to give her since the day they met. It was everything he'd hoped it'd be.

"Move in with me," he said, once they parted. "It'll be fun."

"I'd love to. I'll sell the shit Cornell didn't take with him and we can start fresh. But what about Jewel?"

"Who cares about Jewel?" Rafael laughed, kissing her again. "Let's worry about us."

Anais's eyes lit up. "We're an us now?"

"We're a we, also."

"I hate that it took so long for this to happen," Anais sighed. "We should've dated the moment we met."

"We're here now, love. That's all that matters."

Anais nodded in agreement and Rafael couldn't help but laugh. She worried too much but he wouldn't mind getting used to it.




An epilogue or something is coming soon ugh I'm so sad this is over. Thanks for reading this y'all are the best

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