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"Woah, what's with the fancy kicks, Rafa?" Daveed asked with a chuckle. "You haven't worn those since me and Jewel's one year anniversary party and you only wore those to impress her. Who you tryin' to impress?"

"No one," Rafael replied sitting down on the couch to put his shiny black shoes on.

"Where are you going?"


"Just decided to get all dressed up for your own pleasure?"


"I don't relate."

"Well, that's not my problem," Rafael said lacing up his second shoe. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror to make sure he looked okay. Then he realized his hair was an absolute mess.

"Have you seen my comb?" Rafael questioned after a desperate search.

"Rafa, it's right here," Daveed said pointing to the coffee table.

Rafael rolled his eyes and snatched the comb off the table. He didn't have time for Daveed's jokes right now.

"What is up with you?" Daveed laughed as he watched Rafael carefully comb his hair into place. "Where are you going? You can tell me."

"Actually, I can't because you'd make fun of me."

"I will not!"

Rafael unbuttoned the first couple buttons on his shirt and finally felt content. The room got unusually quiet. He turned and saw Daveed with two hands over his mouth, struggling to stifle his laughter.

"What?!" Rafael cried.

Daveed just shook his head, his tight little curls bouncing in sync with his movement.



"Talk to me."

"I just wanna know what requires you to unbutton your shirt like that."

"You really wanna know?"

Daveed gave him a look. Of course he wanted to know.

"Well, Anais asked me to take her out somewhere so we're going to Vinyl."

"But that's our place!" Daveed whined.

"I know but any other place would be dangerous for a girl like her," Rafael claimed, thinking of the dress he purchased for her earlier that day.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Rafael raised an eyebrow. "Really, Diggs? You're the one who told me how pretty she was. People might mistake her for something else."

"Why are you taking her to Vinyl then?"

"Because that's her only option."

Daveed shook his head with a smile still painted on his face. He found the whole ordeal quite amusing.

"I'm gonna need you to go because Anais could show up at any minute and I don't want you to say anything stupid," Rafael said, nodding toward the door. "Now, please."

Daveed sighed heavily and reluctantly stood to his feet. "I guess I'll go."

"Yeah, you should. Bye."

Daveed shuffled to the door and let himself out rather quickly. Rafael was very impressed at his friend's obedience.

Not even five minutes after Daveed left, there was a knock on the door. Anais was here and Rafael didn't know what to do with himself. He could only comb his hair one more time and make sure the buttons on his shirt were straight. It was the moment of truth.

"Aw, you look cute!" Anais giggled when Rafael opened the door. "I love your shirt."

"Thanks. You look...really nice..." He felt a sense of déjà vu when he looked at her. He had already stared at her like this yesterday night at around the same time. 

"I hope you think so because you paid a lot of money for this dress," she laughed.

"Very true."

Rafael locked the door behind him and walked with Anais to the elevator. She had the biggest smile painted on her face and Rafael enjoyed that very much.

"I'm so ready to dance and get turnt! Yas!" she cried, dancing to his car in her four inch heels.

"Please don't fall," he begged.

"I will not fall. I've had these shoes for a very long time and nothing's happened to me," she laughed.

"I just don't want Cornell to kill me. It's bad enough I'm taking you out."

He unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for her. She smiled and looked him dead in the eye.

"Cornell can fuck himself if he has a problem with us hanging out," she said simply.

Rafael nodded and closed the door. That problem was taken care of.

The drive to Vinyl was full of jokes and laughter. Rafael was finally beginning to see the real Anais and he enjoyed it.

"Alright, I have some ground rules," he announced as he pulled into a parking spot. "If someone offers to buy you a drink, say no. If someone offers to hold your drink, say no. Don't leave your drink unattended and if you need to go to the restroom, throw your drink away and get a new one when you come back. Don't dance with anyone, don't accept anything from anyone, don't go anywhere with anyone, don't touch anyone. Just don't do anything stupid."

"So don't have fun?"

"No, you can have fun just don't have fun with anyone."

"You're funny, Rafa," she chuckled, opening the car door.

"You think I'm kidding? I'm not kidding!" Rafael called running to catch up to Anais.

"You're being a little ridiculous."

"I'm a guy so I know what guys do to pretty little girls like you."

"You think I'm pretty?" Anais asked turning around.

Rafael stopped in his tracks and looked over Anais again. "I mean...yeah."


She grinned and continued strutting to the entrance. Rafael couldn't help but admire her beautiful legs and how long her strides were. He swore she was a goddess.

Once they entered, Anais pulled Rafael straight to the dance floor. Her hair flowed perfectly with her movements. Rafael thought he was falling in love but he pushed that notion away. Even though his heart skipped a beat when she took both of his hands in hers, he told himself he was not in love. He was not.

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