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Tonight was the night Rafael would stop playing games. It was the perfect time to express his feelings for Anais, especially since he was almost certain she wasn't with Cornell. This was his chance.

He folded the last poem and slipped it in an envelope before writing her name on the fornt. He was nervous but ready.

He must've rehearsed his monologue at least five times on the drive to the restaurant. One slip-up and Anais could be gone for good. He couldn't afford that.

Rafael was the last one to arrive and he met the rest of the group in front of the restaurant. Daveed and Anais were happy to see him; Jewel and Cornell were not.

"Hey, everyone," he greeted. He tried not to stare at Anais for too long but she looked stunning in a body hugging sweater dress.

"You're not late," Jewel observed, lacing hands with an irritated Daveed. "Surprising."

"Let's go get a table." Daveed found his way out of Jewel's grip and led everyone inside the restaurant.

Wine was poured when they got settled and fresh bread was provided as well. Rafael sat across from Anais but he wouldn't be able to have a conversation with her; Cornell sat on her right.

Rafael participated in conversation when Daveed spoke but other than that, he only spoke when spoken to. He really wanted to talk to Anais and simply ask how her day was and how she's doing but Cornell would most likely flip the table.

"Hey, Cornell, didn't you have some news for us?" Jewel asked, turning to her brother.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot! You should tell them, baby," Cornell said to Anais.

They'd gotten friendlier.

Anais grinned at Cornel and waved a lock of hair from her face. She cleared her throat.

"Well, Cornell and I talked it out last night and decided that we actually love it here and we love hanging out with you guys. We're not going anywhere anytime soon."

Rafael smiled at her but she only gave him a half-hearted grin.

"Keep talking, girl," Cornell laughed, looking at Anais with lust in his eyes.

"And we decided that we still love each other and we want to be together. We just had to get over a few misconceptions but we're good!" she explained, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Rafael felt like he'd been hit by a truck.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you guys," Jewel exclaimed. "This calls for more wine."

Everyone refilled their glasses. Rafael downed the wine he had left and filled his glass up with the others. He'd need more alcohol than that to get over this.

There was no way they simply "talked it out" and resolved deeply rooted emotional problems. Anais was so hurt.

Rafael swore she at least liked him enough to kiss him yesterday. Did she feel absolutely nothing at all for him? Anything?

He glanced over at Daveed who only shrugged. He was confused as well.

What did he do now? He had penned an entirely new poem and signed it just for her. He was going to tell her how relaxed and special she made him feel and how he felt a little less alone around her. But now he really was alone. He never thought he'd become the fifth wheel.

Rafael ordered food but only picked at it when the waiter placed it in front of him. Anais didn't even look at him.

Daveed sent him a text from across the table:

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