chapter seven

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Peter Pan came bursting through the trees with Jakob and Troye following behind him, Pan with a furious expression across his face and the two Lost boys looking severely confused.

"Where is he?" Pan nearly growled as he stormed over to Grayson, demanding answers on Hook's whereabouts.

"The southern beach. Annie and I saw him." Grayson replied, slowly backing up as Pan got so close to him, they were nearly chest to chest. Peter looked over at Annie, his scowl immediately wiping itself off his face as he noticed her scraped face.

"What happened? Did he do this to you?" Peter snapped, his blood boiling and his eyes turning a dark shade of green. In that moment, Annie feared the teenage boy. She had never seen him so mad, and was scared of what he was capable of.

"No, I tripped." Annie replied, attempting to keep her voice strong. She didn't want Peter to see her vulnerable, and didn't want him to know she was afraid.

Peter gently put his hand on the side of her face, her squinting one eye in pain. The abrasion stung at his touch, but soon became warm and tingly as magic from Peter's palm gently healed her wound.

"Thank you." Annie mumbled as he pulled away. Peter smiled softly before going through a full-blown mood swing and turning back to Grayson.

"We're going to devise a plan to kill Captain Hook once and for all. Boys!" Peter said to his brother, then quickly turned around. He ripped a knife out of the small case that was attached to the fabric belt around his waist, and chucked it at a tree. The boys all looked at him, wanting to know what their order was. "Draw me a route we can take to attack Hook." Peter ordered, and all his Lost boys, discluding Grayson, scampered over to the thick tree.

"What can I do?" Grayson asked in a low tone, concerned for Pan. He knew the boy might end up doing something irrational.

Peter looked around, noticing one member of his gang was missing.

"You can go find Felix. Where the hell is he?" Peter needed one of his strongest boys present for the plan of attack if they had any chance of getting rid of Hook.

"I don't know, but I'll find him." Grayson promised before heading off to search for the oldest Lost boy.

"And what about me, Peter? I can't just stand here doing nothing." Annie made note that the boy hadn't given her a task to do.

"You can stay out of the way, Annie." He told her, seemingly annoyed by her question.

"What? But I want to help. Come on, Pan-"

Peter cut her off before she could say anything else. "Go, Annie! Leave us be, and don't get yourself killed." He snapped before walking away to go supervise his Lost boys.

"Fine." Annie mumbled to herself, but she knew Pan could hear her. Before saying anything else, the girl left the camp without looking back, knowing full well a pair of emerald green eyes were staring at her as she went.

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