~Flashback 1899~

I bit my lip, looking out the window as I watched Nik talk to Elijah outside of the house, looking down continuing to scrub the dirty dishes. I was nervous to tell him that I was with a child because it was impossible, I had no idea how I got pregnant but it happened and it left me shocked. 

I gasped when I felt arms snaking around my waist but relaxed when his lips collided with my bare shoulders. "Love." I set the glass object onto the sink, turning around as Nik looked down at me with his beautiful mysterious eyes. 

"Do you need something? Nik." I asked, softly. 

He smiled down at me. "I wanted to inform you that Elijah and I are going out to hunt." I grinned up at him, nodding my head. 

"You may go. But I need the both of you to come back home as soon as you are finished with your hunt." He nodded his head, kissing my forehead, then my lips. "I love you." I said, when he pulled away. 

His smile soon turning into a grin. "I love you too." He placed another kiss onto my cheek, then pulled away from my body. 

My eyes landed on Elijah who walked to my side. "We will be on our way back soon, El." He kissed my head and I nodded. 

"Be safe." They both nodded, as they walked out of the house, leaving me alone in this big home. 

I washed my hands turning off the water when a noise came causing me to flinch and gasp at the loud noise. It was almost like a glass being crashed to the ground. My skin suddenly started to overheat as my vampire hearing went on alarm mode, slowly climbing the stairs carefully, following the moving noise. I know I shouldn't but I need to know what or who is in my home. 

I sucked in a breath, slowly opening Nik and I's bedroom door and walked in to see nothing or no one there. I furrowed my brows heading towards the vase that was shattered on the ground in confusion, placing my hand on my stomach as I stared down at the broke vase. "Must've been the rats." I muttered to myself. 

Well. I need to broom this huge mess. I turned around but instantly was pushed against the wall causing my eyes to widen at the person in front of me. "Hello, dear." 

"Mikael." I forced out with fear. 

"Indeed. Mikael." His evil laugh filled my ears and soon his laugh slowly died down as he glared down at me. "This will be a hell of a lot fun." With an instant everywhere around me soon turned dark. 

~FlashBack Over~ 

My eyes fluttered closed as I brought my knees up to my chest holding onto myself tightly with tears falling down my eyes as flashes and horrible memories continued to run in and out of my mind. 


I heard everything happening in this house, starting from Elena and Damon talking about Rebekah and Damon sleeping with each other and it was obvious Elena was pulling a Katherine by being jealous and wanting both brothers. I was tired of those two and all I wanted was to get out of here and find my husband. I tried screaming for Rebekah but clearly nothing would work since she wasn't around anymore. 

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