Chapter 12: Our Decision Part 1!

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Minna-chan watch this!

When Everyone arrived in the Akiba Everyone still confuse about Honoka Called them

"Eh? All of you are here too?" Hoshitani confused about everyone

"Ne~ Honoko-chan why'd you call us in weekend?" Kotori asked Honoka

"Well the reason I call all of you because let's have fun all together" Honoka said then she smiled at them

Everyone stare each other and they still confused about honoka said

"Okay let's have Fun today!" Honoka said with a cheerful tone

"Fun?" Nico and Kousei confused about Honoka said

"You called us out of nowhere on a Sunday, and I was wondering what it was about..." Eli said and everyone is still confused

"Isn't this one of our schedule off days?" Nozomi asked Honoka

"Well, its that, but also thought it's time for a change of pace. If you're full of happiness, then going on stage will be alot more fun" Honoka smiled at them and she explained

"You're right Honoka!" Otoya agreed with her

"If we have fun today for sure your Love live is full of color of happiness!" Kaori said with a enjoyment tone

"T-thats right" Umi agree to her

"And today's so warm"

Tokiya nodded "Kotori-san right, its a nice weather to have fun"

"What is this?" Nico pouted at Everyone "You guys are being really forceful today"

"We're not being Forceful Nico-senpai, we're just saying that all as want to have fun with all of you" Hoshitani smiled at her

"Plus, I mean we've never really gone out to just have fun as a group before" Honoka Smiled at Nico

"Yeah even us too we're going because of our agency" Masato small grin at them

"Well we're just gone for our training thats all, we're never have fun with everyone" Tengenji grinned at them as well

"I was thinking it would be nice to have a do something like this for once" Honoka continued then she smiled at Nico

"But then, what do you even mean by having fun?" Nico asked Honoka what did she mean Having fun

"I want to go to a theme park!" Syo, Rin, Hoshitani, Otoya shouted at the same time

"How about it arcade?" Natsuki suggested

"Such a kid. I want to go to an Art Gallery" Maki and Tengenji and Masato said at the same time too

"Well art gallery is pretty good to Senpai" Kousei agree with them

"How about we go to the Café with all delicious Cake" Kaori said with a excitement

"Ah, but first, I want to go to an Idol Shop!" Hanayo nervously said to them

"Let's go to the Water park!" Tsubaki suggested with a excitement

"How about we go the Zoo for sure we have more fun to see cute animal" Ryouta suggested

"After that let's go the park so we can relax and get a fresh air a from a stress" Otori and Hiragi said at the same time

"You guys are all over the Place!" Nico angry because of their suggestions

Nozomi looked at Honoka "what should we do?"

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