Chapter 9: Memories of Old Pv

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All this chapter Illy gonna use some of their PV so I'm sorry for who don't have a Internet

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While we preparing for our PV many students came here in the Stage while the Procellarum and the Six Gravity helping us to prepare the stage bit they not joining us

It's already 3:00 pm so we started to our Performance for our fans

"Alright Everyone please Support the school idol called the μ's for they're final Love live" Tengenji announced to them with his Kabuki outfit

"μ's Music Start!"

"μ's! We're going to support you!"

Everyone shouted to us, then I felt happy and sadness but I forced to stop crying

"Alright, Stardust!"

"Not bad for a young Idol" Hijime smiled at them

"Alright it's time to shine everyone" Otoyo Cheer his groupmate

"Kyaa! Starish! I love you Cecil-san" The girl shouted to them

"We're here too everyone" Tsubasa smirked at us

"Tsubasa-san! All of you came" Honoka smiled at her

The Quartet Night finished their Song the A-Rise next

"Woohoo! A-Rise" The students shouted to them

"Wow they are so Handsome!"

"Go Team Hiragi!"


"Senpai?!" All of them shock

"Hello Boys" Otori winked at them

They heard gossiping the students they all can hear is the μ's group

"μ's! We want to see you now" The students shouted

"Honoka-san.... Are you alright?" Hoshitani looked at Honoka worry

"Alright girls! let do it!" She looked the her member with her big smile

After they performance, they head to the locker room to change their clothes

"I never thought I'd see their performance in live" Kaori amazed at them

"Yeah me too, they are so cute and amazing" Tsubaki agreed at Kaori

"We're here!" Hoshitani shouted to them cheerfully

"I Never thought that your performance are so cool!" Tsubaki amazed to their performance earlier

"It's bring back our old memories" Hanayo said while she looking down

"Hanayo... I thought we talked about this that no one about our graduation day until our Final Love Live maybe will effect this on Our performance" Umi walk toward to Hanayo

"Oh you're right...." Hanayo agreed to her

While everyone looking down too about they're graduation day

"Haruka-chan! The Shining Agency want to recruit the μ's" Tomochika informed her and everyone

"What?!" μ's were shock about their recruit

"Thats mean we can work together in our performance" Otoya smile at them

"Our you sure? That they want to recruit us" Maki said with a confused

Tomochika nodded to them. All of them happy that they already have a agency to become a real Idol just like Starish, Quartet Night, Six Gravity and the Procellarum

"Can you tell them that we greatly to recruit us to the Shining agency" Eli and the others members bowwed to her

"Sure I'm tell them you accepted their request" Tomochika grin at them

After Saotome Academy Festival they head home to take a rest and the μ's have a practice tomorrow for the Final Love Live

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