"How'd you guys meet in the first place?" Taehyung asked his bestfriend.
" 'Universe' was closed so I went to 'Action' —" Jimin was cut off by Taehyung. "I thought you said you'd never step foot in that place after the waitress tried flirting with your short gay ass." Taehyung chuckled.

Taehyung stopped chucking when a pillow was thrown at his face. Jungkook laughed at Jimin's actions.

"I wanted my daily dose of coffee alright!... anyways I went to 'Action', I ordered my coffee and I asked a pale guy with black hair if I could sit with him, he agreed and went back to reading 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' so I wrote my favorite quote from the book on a sticky note and gave it to him. Once I got my drink I was about to leave but he asked for my name afterwards he gave me his umbrella and this sticky note was attached to it." Jimin finished talking and gave the couple the orange sticky.

The couple analyzed the sticky note and hummed trying to think of a way to help his friend meet this mysterious man once more.

•BoomBoom~Commercial break•

"So let me get this straight, you met a guy named Park Jimin and you want him to be your boyfriend." a purple haired man said cooing at the word 'boyfriend'.

"I don't want him to be my boyfriend!...I just want to meet him again that's all Namjoon" Yoongi told his bestfriend and dorm buddy.

A knock on the door made both Yoongi and Namjoon turn their heads. Namjoon got up to unlock the door with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Ahhh I forgot to tell you I invited Jin to come over since he's been stressed." Namjoon told his bestfriend. Once Namjoon opened the door a pink haired guy aka Jin, hugged Namjoon and thanked him for the invite.

"Get a room" Yoongi said while chuckled. "Hey! Namjoom and I aren't dating." Jin said glaring at Yoongi and slightly blushing. "You guys are practically married don't give me that bullshit that you aren't dating each other." Yoongi said texting someone on his phone.

Namjoon and Jin both ignored Yoongi, both being extremely embarrassed.

"Do you want some food? I can order takeout?" Namjoon suggested to Jin. "No! I don't want you to waste your money on me Joon." Jin said taking a seat on their brown couch, Namjoon sitting next to him shortly after.

"Hey I'm inviting Hoseok over, so order pizza" Yoongi said still not looking up from his phone.

"So... you never told me why your so stressed out?" Namjoon asked Jin, after he order the pizza through an app his phone. "Oh it's just that I have to write a short story in less than a week...I haven't started it because I don't know what to write it about." Jin said resting his head on Namjoon shoulder slightly frustrated.

Namjoon thought for a second about how to help Jin, then a idea came to him.

"What do you want to have in the future" Namjoon asked Jin. Namjoon shifted from his spot and moved Jin so his head would be resting on his lap. He then proceeded to finger comb Jin's pink hair, ever so delicately. "I want to have a family... two children, a boy and a girl." Jin said closing his eyes, due to feeling so relaxed under his Joonie's touch.

"What are you going to name them?" Namjoon questioned still playing with Jin's pink locks. He couldn't help but stare at Jin. Jin was the most beautiful human he's ever seen. Perfect face structure, smooth dewy, lightly tanned skin, dark brown eyes with long lashes to compliment them, a light pink tint on his cheeks and the tip of his nose and don't even get him started on Jin's pink plum lips.

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