Chapter 21

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Hollystorm woke up and saw a forest with many preys and the river flows endlessly. This area is like a paradise for a clan. Am I dreaming, thought Hollystorm as she explore this area. "We've been waiting for you," mewed Bluestar. "Bluestar," mewed Hollystorm sadly, " I'm the Holly and Fireclaw's the Fire that I must protect the clans from?" Bluestar stood there, then nodded silently. "Why does it have to be him? Why couldn't it be someone else?" Hollystorm cried. "It's your destiny," mewed a tom with a fire like pelt, another tom is standing next to Bluestar, he had grayish-bluish pelt. "Jayfeather, you're here and so are you Firestar," mewed Bluestar.

"So she is the Holly that will take down the Fire and her brother is the Fire?"mewed Firestar. "She couldn't possibly be it, her brother had been training in the dark forest. She is too soft," Jayfeather snapped, "She can't even stand to hurt her clanmates never less, her brother." "Jayfeather you don't have to be so grumpy," mewed Firestar. "Hollystorm, you need to destroy the Fire before all the clans are defeated," mewed Bluestar. "And Hollystom, be careful, don't trust Fireclaw," Firestar mewed in a warning voice. Hollystorm nodded as she watched the starclan cat disappeared.

After the dream
"Hollystorm wake up and follow me,"mewed Jayfeather. Hollystorm yawned and stretched some and followed Jayfeather out of the warrior den. "Hey, Hollystorm, mewed Lionblaze. "Hey," Hollystorm yawned. "I told Lionblaze what happen in your dream and with the prophecy," Jayfeather mewed. "What!!! I thought that we shouldn't tell anyone except Bramblestar," Hollystorm mewed.

"Hollystorm, let me tell you a story about three littermates who was destined to save the clan, but one of them was wasn't part of the prophecy. So another cat has to replace her," mewed Lionblaze. "Lionblaze she doesn't need to know this," Jayfeather snapped. "Jayfeather I know that brings memories about her, but she has to know so she can trust me," Lionblaze. "Very well," Jayfeather mewed.

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