Chapter 2

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          "Hello little goddess"

          I gasp and put my hand over my mouth and whisper "Hades"

          "Awe I thought you would be happy to see me." He says as he emerges through the dark smoky room. He is tall, almost as tall as Zeus and when he is in his heavenly form he is actually sort of beautiful, in a terrifying way. He has dark brown eyes and was once as tan as Uncle Poseidon, but the years and years of being down in the Underworld has turned his skin the color of ash. His bone structure was very pointed and angular. When he spoke hi\s voice was very soothing but then another little voice was inside your head, saying exactly what he was saying but in a more sneering and mocking tone. People think he always goes around speaking of doom and despair and before he got his lot of the underworld that wasn’t the case, but now those people would be exactly right.

          I turn to him and say "What do you want Uncle. Why are you here?"

          "My business is not with you little goddess. I'm looking for the man you call "just a friend". Ares."

           I sigh and say "Let me go find him." I clap and the whole palace lights up and I turn and glide up the grand staircase to where I know Ares will be. His sound proof music room. Ares loves guitars and has a passion for metal and blues. I open the door to be blasted by sound coming from the dark purple and black room. I flicker the light to get him to stop playing Texas flood. He looks up and sees me and stops playing.

            "Hello my goddess" he says with a smile and tries to kiss me, but I move out of the way.

           "Not now Ares, Hades is here to see you." His smile immediately darkens and he puts down Katherine, his fire red heartbreaker, and walks briskly out of the room. I still can't help but notice how amazing he is. His large but not huge muscles rippled under his slightly tanned skin as he moved showing the strength and power behind his gracefulness. His jaw and cheek bone were chiseled and strong with slight blonde facial hair running down his jaw line to his chin. He had a soul patch and a mustache. His lips held themselves in a firm position, showing no one mercy, yet they were soft and giving when pressed against mine. His blonde hair had a man's cut and stood up slightly in the front, but my absolute favorite thing above all else was his eyes. They were bright blue and were the only part of him that even hinted to compassion.

          After I got done starring at him I followed him down to the foyer and stood beside and slightly behind him. 

          "What is your business Hades?" Ares says curtly.

          He laughs and says 'I was just here to warn you to love birds that Aphrodite has been gathering forces behind her. We all know about you two but no one cares, or at least they didn’t before Aphrodite started telling them about your plans to dethrone Zeus."

           I gasp and say "What! We would never do such a thing! How dare her!"

           Hades smiles and says "I know that, and you know that, but how is it going to look to Zeus when he finds out about this little affair and your plans. It would be an amazing idea. The God of War and The Goddess of Wisdom, together. That’s a pretty powerful couple. All I'm saying is look out. I would hate to see a colleague have their name ruined because of a silly love triangle." he turns to leave and then looks back at us and says "And one more thing, Zeus and Aphrodite are on their way here right now" and then there was nothing but smoke.......


        Sorry guys! I know it was a short one and it’s been a while but I’ve been super busy! Hope to be posting more now that I’ve got summer reading out of the way. Love you guys! Keep reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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