So Fucking Cliche

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Skyler's POV -

Can someone tell me how I could ever believe that just because I left one state that another would fix it? I mean c'mon, who's that dumb? I guess I am.

I had made horrible choices back in Chicago; drinking, drugs, inappropriate behavior, or hanging out with the wrong people. Those people are the reason why I made those decisions. Those fuckers never even made an effort to try and get me to make the right choices. They made me do dares which led to me doing things a girl at that age shouldn't have been doing. The misery I was put through would be so underrated but also called stupid because I had a choice to do them or not to all along. They took advantage of the shy girl that just wanted to be popular, and I let them. How stupid was I? Very.

My life is decent in Dalton, Georgia. No unexpected drama, my grades came back up, I'm excelling in my classes and got promoted to advanced, my health is better, I'm not involved with any guys at the moment, and I quit all that dumb stuff I did previously. I even found new friends, they're all girls though. I sometimes miss hanging out with my guy friends.

I was having a normal life that I should've been having with all those previous "friends". I just wanted popularity, because I was the odd emo 'smart' girl that everyone judged at. I hated that but despite it, I at least tried to make the rare opportunity I had worth while.


"How about we give you a shot at being with us?" One of them asked while smirks played on all of their faces. "What do you mean?" I replied in a whispery tone while keeping my head hung low.

"Hang out with us princess. I promise you won't regret it. Just the five of us and you, it'll be fun".

"I ... I guess". I said while offering a small smile.

"Good, we'll show you a life you'll remember forever".


Am I right?

My Past Comes BackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin