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  Yuri on Ice - Yuuri's Skate Music

Meant to be listened to after flashback otherwise it won't fit into the story.


About two weeks later...


  It had been about two weeks since we brought Yuuri here. He was more open now and could actually keep down his food. We were all eating dinner when he stated he was tired and got up to leave.

  I watched as Yuuri stumbled up the stairs. He was really something. I don't know what he did but I feel better around him.  Calmer. Happy.

   The clunking stopped and soft creaks of the bed were heard. Honestly, he sleeps more than anyone else I've ever known. It always seemed to be after he ate too.

   I thought on it for a second. Why would he get tired from eating a meal... unless... No, it's not possible just ignore it...

   I swiped at my silver bangs making them sway then fall back into my face. Yuri and Otabek were in a corner probably whispering about their ever-lasting love for each other.  Chris was texting people, and JJ was boasting to me (I think) about how he's the king and all that stuff. Minami was sitting quietly reading a book in the corner. With the exception of Minami, they were all driving me mad.

  I wanted to hang out with Yuuri but he was probably asleep right now. 'You know what cluck it he can wake his little ass up', I thought to myself walking out of the kitchen.

  Quietly I made my way up the stairs and to Yuuri's door. "Yuuri! Let's sleep together!", I said in a sing-song voice. "Leave me alone. I have a headache," he replied gruffly. "I'll be right back!", I'd whisper-shout to him. I heard a muffled voice which I think said okay.

   I jogged down the hall turning into the guest bathroom. After searching through the cupboards I managed to escape with all four hearts and Advil. 

   I walked back to his room bringing along the water. "Yuuri can you open the door for me? Pretty please", I'd hum.

   The door swung open and there stood a very non-pretty looking Yuuri. His brown eyes were bloodshot from crying or rubbing them. He looked droopy and depressed. 

  "Thanks", He mumbled taking the water and Advil from my hands. I started to leave but as I did I noticed the five pills that rested in his hands. He noticed my looks and pooped them into his mouth.

   "Spit it out! Dumbass!", I yelled as I ran up to him and squeezed his cheeks together. His eyes looked watery but no tears fell from them. "W-Why do you even care", he asked softly. I shot glared at him, "Spit it out, Yuuri."

   Looking annoyed he spit out the pills into his hands. "Not liked it actually matters", he mumbled annoyed. "It does so!" I said removing my hand from his cheeks.

   He rubbed his cheeks annoyed. "D-Don't do that.. baka", He muttered. "What was that speak up", I said sarcastically putting my hand to my ear and leaning in. He had a tint if blush, "You're to close." I noticed him back up until he hit the bedpost.

   I looked down to the floor. "Yuuri", I'd sigh, "When will you- spit it out!" He swallowed the pills before I could stop him once more. "Idiot! I can't believe you", I'd yell at him annoyed but he seemed unfazed.

  "It's just Advil it's no big deal. Now I-I'm not comfortable sleeping together so a hard pass", was Yuuri voicing his emotions. His face was tinted red as he turned it from me.

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