7. Getting *iinees*

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Garumageddon, NonSugar and Tricolore got out from the Pelicopter and run to the others.

"Minna!" said Leona 
"We heard from Meganee, where's onee-chan?!" said Non in worried look

Falala use the meganee to show them how's Laala and Yui

"Laala!...." Said Falulu shocked
"Okay! It's our turn to get *iinees*" said Shuuka
"Wait let us do it!" shout Aroma

Then they all fight until Non shout to them at the stage

"No! let us do it!" shout Non
"NonSugar?!" shout all of them

"Onee-chan.. wait for me!" said Non with determined look

After that, Garumageddon and Ever Gold performs and got a lot of *iinees*. Then it's time for Tricolore

"Laala.... now it's my turn to save you!" said Falulu 

After Tricolore, Dressing Pafe goes on stage 

At the stage

"Laala..... Yui.... We will save you two!" said Leona

Dorothy and Shion show a very determined look

"Laala... Yui... wait for me! I will save you two!" thought Shougo with determined look

WITH got a lot of *iinees* but Shougo look at his idol watch and look quite disappointed

"Is this really enough to save two people...?" thought Shougo 

"Everyone already got *iinees* right Let's go to the clock tower" said Falala while waving her mic-harp

They then transport to inside the clock tower

At the Clock Tower

Above them, Laala and Yui are floating near the ceiling

"Laala! Yui!" shout all of them
"Yui stop dreaming over there and wake up!!!" shout Nino

"Minna! Give them your *iinees*" said Falala

Then all of them point their idol watch to Laala and Yui and their *iinees* go to them

Moments later, Laala wakes up and see them giving the *iinees*
"Minna!" shout Laala to them
"Just wait, we will get you out!" shout Shougo

But then Fuwari, Aroma, Hibiki, Jigoku, NonSugar, Galala and Falala *iinees* are running out

"Oh no.. at this rate...." thought Laala and then she look at them in serious look

"Minna!! Point all of your idol watch to Yui!" shout Laala
"But Laala.." Falulu got interrupted by Laala
"Please! Do it!" shout Laala

All of them point to Yui except Shougo who still pointing to Laala

"Shougo... onegai..." said Laala
"But I can't, if I do that then you..."
"Shougo... Yui is your sister, rescue her!" said Laala with serious look
"Laala..... uuhh!" Shougo then point his idol watch to Yui

Moments after that, all of the *iinees* are up except Mirei, Sophie, Shion, Dorothy and Shougo

Yui wake up and sees it

"Yui!" shout Laala
"Laala... minna...."
"Yui!" shout Nino and Michiru

After that, Shion, Sophie and Shougo's *iinees* run out and leaves Mirei and Dorothy

"At this rate, we even can't save Yui alone-pri" said Mirei with worried look

Laala then faces Yui and then her body glow

"Laala...?" said Yui who sees it

Laala just smiled and point her idol watch to her

"Laala! What are you doing!!" shout Shion
"The *iinees* that I got from you all, I will transferred it to Yui" said Laala with determined look

And then Laala's idol watch let out *Iinees* and give it to Yui. After that, Mirei and Dorothy's *iinees* run out

"Laala! yamete!" shout Yui
"Laala/Onee-chan!!!" shout all of them
"Laala! We will figure something else! Please stop!" said Shougo

Laala doesn't listen to them and keep giving *iinees* to Yui. Moments later, Yui's bubble started to faded but Laala was hurting herself

"Laala! Yamete!!!" shout Yui while crying
"Yui... I can't..."
"Why you do this?! We can be saved together!" shout Yui
"Yui.... I want you to be save first even if it hurts me, You're my sister after all," said Laala with serious look

Yui then shocked by Laala's words

"Onee-chan..." said Non who watch Laala saving Yui

Yui's bubble then goes down and then blow up. Thanks to that, Yui is free

Laala on the other hand got asleep again, suddenly Laala's bubble became blur and Laala can't be seen

"Oh no... LAALA!!!!!" shout Yui 
"No..." said Shougo who sees it 


Yui is saved but Laala still in there 
Can they save Laala at this rate?! to be continued! 

Yui is saved but Laala still in there Can they save Laala at this rate?! to be continued! 

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