6. Save Pripara!

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Laala and Yui are on stage gate for coord change. 

"Gomen Yui...." Said Laala with a low voice
"Can I just do it alone...." said Laala while looking down at the priticket on her hand

Moments before

"You have to draw the system bug here" said the system
"How?" asked Laala and Yui
"Give your best live!"

Suddenly some of the pritickets appear in front of them

"This is..... Our Super Cyalume Coord!" said Yui
"What priticket is this?" asked Laala while looking a blank priticket

"Use that to captured the system bug, after you captured the system bug, there's a price to pay and that is....."

Laala and Yui were taken aback by the system statement 

Back to present

"Onegai Yui..... I'm a kami idol after all, so I have enough power by myself and I can't bear to see you do this with me..." said Laala with a determined look

But then Yui grab both Laala's hands and look at her in serious look

"Laala.... The system said that it needs a lot of power, I know you're a kami idol but there's also a limit for you as a kami idol. I'm fine with it, for Pripara" said Yui with a smile
"Yui... but!" Yui interrupted Laala
"Laala.... I also can't bear seeing you do it alone.... So please let me do it too"
"Yui..... Wakatta Let's do it before it's too late" said Laala while seeing the clock tower

Coord change!

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On stage

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On stage

"You ready?" asked Laala while holding Yui's hand and the pendant on the other hand
"Um! Let's do it"

"1...2.... KASHIKOMAAAA/YUMEKAWAAAA" shout Laala and Yui together 

After their live, Laala open her Final Airy while Yui open her Lovely Airy. Suddenly a green cloud appears and they fly and point their idol watch near the cloud. 

"LAALA! YUI!" shout all of them who just arrived

Laala and Yui give a sad smile to them and they fly upper. Suddenly Laala and Yui got shock by the lightning


"LAALA!! YUI!!!" shout all of them while seeing Laala and Yui flying with their Airy

Although Laala and Yui are hurt, they still point their idol watch up to the sky

"Minna Tomodachi!" shout Laala
"Minna Idol!" shout Yui

"Bring back the way it supposed to be!" shout both of them

Their idol watch let out *iinees* to the sky.
Mirei, Sophie and Dressing Pafe notice that Laala use her kami idol power. Because of that they see Laala was hurt by using it. 

"LAALA YAMETE!!!" shout Mirei and Sophie

"YUI!!!" shout Nino and Michiru

Laala and Yui look down seeing Mirei, Sophie, Nino and Michiru and see their worried look

"Gomen...." said Laala and Yui to them

Moments later, the cloud start to disappear. And the system bug appear. Laala go near the system bug and shove the blank priticket. Because of that, the system bug got sucked inside the priticket. 

Laala and Yui's *iinees* already run out. Suddenly Laala and Yui's body are glowing. Then the lights from their body got sucked by the green cloud. 

Laala and Yui look at each other since they already know what's happening to their body, they see Pripara started to get their colors back. They smile at each other 

"Laala you're right... I feel sleepy all of the sudden" said Yui with tired eyes
"Me too..." said Laala 

Suddenly their eyes became lifeless and they close their eyes and got unconscious while still flying. 

The lights from their body were gone. The green cloud disappeared.

Moments after Laala's Final Airy and Yui's Lovely Airy disappear as well and they fall.

"LAALA! YUI!!" shout all of them and run to the stage try to catch them 

But before Laala and Yui hit the stage, they got put inside a bubble and got transport somewhere

The others got very shocked 

"They're gone...." Said Shion who shocked
"No.... Laala...." Said Mirei who bent down
"Yui...." Said Nino and Michiru together while letting out tears 


Laala and Yui save Pripara! But where are they? what did the green cloud do to them?!
To Be Continued! 

This marks the last chapter of the arc 

Soo the name of this arc is 

"System Bug"

Next time on Laala Idol Love Story 

"Save Laala and Yui!!"

"Save Laala and Yui!!"

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