1. The Beginning

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It's been 2 years since Kami Idol Grandprix and SoLaMi Smile have become a great kami idol helping new girls in Parajuku Pripara, and year after Kami Idol Grandprix, Dressing Pafe became a kami idol as well. 

Laala now is in 8th grade of middle school are having a normal day with her friends at school but then one day. 

Laala POV

"Calling for Manaka Laala grade 8th please go to principal office right now thank you" said the school speaker.
"I wonder what's happening" I thought

Then I go to the principal office and I saw Mirei, Sophie and Dressing Pafe already in the principal office.

"Minna... what are you all doing here?" I asked

"Be quiet!" said Ms. Ookanda, "The reason I called you all that, starting tomorrow you all will be transfer to my cousin school in Paparajuku"

"Kashiko- EEHHH?! TRANSFER?!" said all of them.

Time skip~

At Paparajuku

Shougo POV

"Ohayou.." I said to Koyoi and Asahi

"Ohayou" said both of them.

When I was eating, I saw PriPara performance on TV.

"Wow... they are awesome" said Asahi
"Well of course they are kami idol after all, right Shougo?" said Koyoi

"wow she's so cute, her voice is very good.. *looking at Laala*" I thought
"Shougo do you like her?" asked Asahi with a smirk 

"No I don't, I just admired their singing" said I while eating my bread. 

Time skip~ 

At 8th grade classroom 

"Good Morning class... today we have a new student, please introduce yourself" said the teacher 

I was looking outside the window and then I heard a familiar voice. 

"Kashikoma! My name is Manaka Laala, I'm from Parajuku. Nice to meet you all"

Laala Idol Love Story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant