1. New friends

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Shougo POV

"Wait what?!" I thought

"Kashikoma!' said Laala who went to the empty seat beside me

"Okay it's time for math class, open your book page 88.." said the teacher

Time Skip~

On recess, Laala was surrounded by boys and girls from our class and they talk about Pripara

"I want to become a Kami idol too but I never dance or sing and I have a stage fright..." said one of the girls but then Laala stand up, hold her arms and smile

"Do you like Pripara?" asked Laala
"Yes!" said the girl
"Then it's alright you can do it! Pripara is place where all girls can do it!" said Laala with a smile

I saw that and my heart start to beat fast

"Wow... She's so cute.." I thought while seeing her smile

"Nee.. Laala-chan do you know Danpri?" asked one of them
"Danpri? what is that?" asked Laala

"Oohh you don't know?! It's Pripara for boys and in our class there are two members of WITH" said one of the girls

"WITH?" asked Laala

When I want to explain about WITH, Asahi already comes forward and explain it

"Ekhem! WITH is a best idol group in Danpri!! Well of course our song and making drama are awesome! Hihihi May I introduce myself! WITH Pop member Asahi desu!! My full name is Mitaka Asahi" said Asahi while holding Laala's hand and kiss her hand. 

"Ah.. um! Yoroshiku no kashikoma! Manaka Laala desu!" said Laala with a smile

"Wow you are so cute... Oi Shougo introduce yourself too" said Asahi while looking at Shougo

"Hai Hai... WITH Lovely member Shougo desu, my full name is Yumekawa Shougo, yoroshiku" said I while still sitting on a chair

"Manaka Laala desu! Yoroshiku!" said Laala while smiling at me.

"Yoroshiku" said I, "I think I just admired her as a kami idol" I thought

"But to think boys here have their own Pripara is awesome, and Yumekawa-san as a lovely type idol, I thought he is cool type" said Laala

"She thinks I'm cool..." I thought happily while still in my poker face

"If you want to meet our cool type leader, you can come with us later at lunch because he is a 9th grader" said Asahi

"Kashikoma! I want to meet my friends too, they are 9th graders as well" said Laala

After that, the bell rings they go back to their seat to prepare for the next lesson. 

At Lunch

Laala POV

I go to the cafeteria with Asahi and Shougo and then I see Mirei and Sophie talking to a boy

"Mirei! Sophie!" I said while run to them

"Laala!" said Mirei and Sophie called me

"Ah Koyoi!" said Asahi to Koyoi who is with Mirei and Sophie 

"Koyoi-kun this is Laala our lovely member. Laala this is Koyoi, he is WITH Leader" said Mirei while introducing me

"Ah Manaka Laala desu! Yoroshiku no kashikoma!" said me to Koyoi

"Yoroshiku, Takase Koyoi desu" said Koyoi with his cool aura. I then suddenly blush when seeing his cool aura

"Ahh Manaka-san face is red" said Asahi while pointing me

"Mooo! Asahi!!" and then we all laugh together

"Ahh! Mirei Sophie let me introduce you, this is Mitaka Asahi and Yumekawa Shougo. They also WITH member just like Koyoi. *Then faces Asahi and Shougo* they are my teammates, Minami Mirei and Houjou Sophie" said I introduce them

"Yoroshiku!" said all four of them

After that they have lunch together as six and talk together

"I want to ask, are you three performing today?" Asahi asked SoLaMi Smile

"Ahh not today, because we have to move our stuff to our dorm today. And Dressing Pafe are transferring to this school tomorrow so maybe tomorrow we will perform" said Mirei while drinking.

"Ahhh alright" said WITH and after that they continue to eat their lunch 

Time Skip~

At Danpri

WITH already in their waiting room and talk about their meeting with SoLaMi Smile

"I never thought we will be friends with Kami idols! It was awesome" said Asahi happily

"Haha Asahi, it's a good pushover for us to reach Kami idol just like them" said Koyoi calming Asahi

When they still talking, suddenly Meganii come inside their waiting room

"WITH no minna-san, I want to talk to you guys about something" said Meganii as he come in

"What is it Meganii?" asked Shougo while wiping his sweat with a hand towel


School Dorm

Laala POV

"Okay where is it....." I thought while looking for my dorm 

"Looking for something?" said a girl behind me

"Ah, I'm new student here, I want to find my dorm" I said to her

"What's your number room? I will help you" said the girl

"It's room 2033" I said

"That's my room! Then we are roommates. Here let me help with your bags" said the girl while taking one of my bag

And then we go into our room.

It's quite cozy and then I spot SoLaMi Smile, Dressing Pafe poster

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It's quite cozy and then I spot SoLaMi Smile, Dressing Pafe poster

"Wow is she my fan?" I thought while putting my bags on the floor and start unpacking it

"Okay your bed is up there, is it okay? Or do you want to switch?" said the girl

"Ah no no it's okay thanks a lot, by the way I haven't known your name yet" I said while seeing her sitting on the cushion. 

"Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself,  Yumekawa Yui desu yume-yoroshiku!" said Yui with a smile

Laala Idol Love Story Where stories live. Discover now