Fireheart x Greystripe

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//Quick A/N//


Song: Eyes Half Closed

This also contains spoilers! So don't read if you haven't read The Darkest Hour. Thank you.

This takes place in the sixth book, The Darkest Hour. of the first series, The Prophecy Begins.//

Greystripes POV!

Sitting around doing nothing, that's what I was doing. We had one day to plan for the war.

What war do you ask? The war between Thunderclan and Bloodclan. And every cat was still working their hinds off. 

Firestar lay stressed on top of the High Rock. I was slightly concerned he was overworking himself, but he insisted to do more. So I guess I should try and calm him.

Walking up to the High Rock, I looked up. "Firestar!"

The handsome ginger tom looked down.

"Greystripe? Whats up?"

"I wanted to talk to you, inside the den?"

Firestar nodded an okay, standing up slowly. I walked to the top of the rock, following him inside. 

Firestar sat down on his pile of moss, gesturing next to him. And I mean right next to him. I obeyed and sat close. 

"So what is it you want to talk about, Greystripe?" Firestar looked at me with a slightly worried and slightly interested face.

"You looked tired and stressed. I'm concerned." Firestar seemed semi-surprised, as in he didn't believe I would pay attention to these little details. Either that, or he didn't think I would notice. It's kind of hard not to notice what the leader does, or is feeling, let alone your crush.

It wouldn't be allowed, the two of us. It has to be against the warrior code! After all, I am gay, but he might not feel the same in the first place...

"I'm ok Greystripe. You know how stressful war can be. Especially when I can lose a friend as great as you." 


"It's no problem, I can handle war."

He called me friend.

"Its more than that, Greystripe."

I knew it.

"War is war, Firestar. It's just that. A problem."

Why did I even bother..?

"Greystripe are you okay? You're acting weird..."

Surprised you noticed, it's not like it matters what I say at this point.

"I'm fine!"


"Greystripe! Calm down, buddy!"


"No! You need to calm down, Firestar! This war is as stressful as Silverstream's death, I don't need to worry about you any more than I already am! After everything that I have lost, you were the one thing that came back. Its like we were meant to see each other, be friends, and just enjoy life together! But now that I'm swearing to myself for even coming to talk to you, I'm going crazy for a cat that I cant be with!" I paused for a millisecond before daring to continue yelling at the leader.

"This life I have is absolute hell! I just wish being gay for you was allowed!" 

Oh no...

"..." Firestar blinked twice.

Ohhhh shit........

"......" I kept my head low, yet eyes wide open, darting around the den.

Why did I have to speak to him at all!?!

"Greystripe... I-..."

"No, it's ok. I'll be seeing myself out." Just as I turned to leave, he looked up sharply.

"I hereby claim its okay to be gay!"

"Wha-?" I spun around only to find a bright orange tom rubbing his head against me.


This was just a quick chapter I wanted to make. And I thought I would just finish it before moving on to my request section. There will be a lot of these small in-betweens that I might upload. I will say if its a request or not. 

//Thanks for reading friends!//

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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