Chapter 13 "To Love the Enemy"

Start from the beginning


Usually, Eleanor came to the commander's tower pulling him from the work, so they could spend some time together. Cullen was surprised to wake up next to his desk not being woken by Eleanor but by Dorian who ran through the door into his tower. "Commander! I think I made a huge mistake." Cullen grunted looking at Tevinter mage.

-Dorian, I do not care about your affairs, Josephine is the one you should speak about your life dramas. Or maybe even Inquisitor" Commander answered standing up from his desk, walking towards the doors only to be stopped by Dorian.

-This is not about me Commander, I'm afraid that the Inquisitor might be in trouble." Cullen turned frowning at him. "She received a letter from her father yesterday, her mother was kidnapped by the Red Templars and she might have run off to the rescue last night," Dorian mumbled. "Oh, and her horse came back recently." he quickly added.

-She what!?!?" he pushed through the doors to the outside walking down the stairs into the courtyard. "Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't she tell me?!" he asked walking towards Mephala.

-She asked me to keep my mouth shut until she decides what to do." He answered following the commander.

-Where did she go?"


"Tell them that I was the warmest place you knew and you turned me cold"

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"Tell them that I was the warmest place you knew and you turned me cold"

-Wake and rise sunshine" Eleanor heard all too familiar voice, feeling a sharp pain in her head. She felt someone grabbing her marked hand drawing cold fingers through her palm. "You didn't need the mark to draw attention from the others, love." She felt so cold suddenly, scared, she wasn't scared of death she was scared of disappointment the others will feel once they know that she might have doomed everyone's lives for one. "You are just as beautiful as the day you left me."

-You forced me to." She whispered, her throat was dry even painful. He signed taking her chin with his hand forcing her head up to face him.

-Open your eyes. Look at me!" her eyes shot open only to be met with his tired ones. Samson suddenly leaned back looking at her eyes, remembering every detail. "I haven't seen you in years, but I swear your eyes used to be blue, like the ocean that I would gladly drown in. Why are they green?" he asked pulling back from her, dropping her head. Her neck was sore, difficult to keep up her head.

-I don't know, they were like this when I woke up back in Haven. I believe the mark is responsible." She shrugged. For the first time, she looked at him clearly. His hair all dirty, stick up together. His pale skin and bags under eyes made him look much older than he is. But what scared her was his eyes. Once so chocolate brown was now black like demon's. " You look like shit, I knew that Templar activities won't do you any good." He grinned.

-I think you are wrong, look at me, I'm commanding the Red Templars, hmm I wonder what your father would think about me now, or would I be just poor common in his eyes like before." She frowned remembering the reason she was here.

-Where is  my mother?"

-Still foolish just like you were when we met, I knew how much you loved your family, so I wrote that letter. And here you are, trapped like a rat that tried to steal cheese." She felt so stupid at the moment. Once remembering his question she looked up at his black eyes.

-He would think that you are a monster, just like I do now." She said looking down. She knew that she was crossing the line, but she didn't care any longer.

-I'm no monster, I just chose the stronger side. Corypheus will crush you, all of you." he shouted, noticing as she flinched a little. He spoke a little calmer now noticing her uneasiness. "You have a choice, my love. "she looked up at him, for a moment she thought that perhaps there was left some feelings in him, just perhaps she could make him understand that he chose wrong and that he could be saved. "You can join us, become powerful, destroy those who will stand against you and most of all be at my side, let me love you just like I used to before." His deep voice that she once adored disgusted her so much when he spoke the last sentence.

-And what's my other option?" she asked looking back up at him. But he turned not able to look at her bright emerald eyes.

-I'm afraid your other option is to die, Corypheus is coming, he will give you a chance if you only ask." She felt disgusted as she thought about joining him. She still loved him, but he was a monster now.

-I could never forgive myself if I would join you, Samson. Just like I can't forgive you for who you are now. Just for a moment, I thought that I could still save you, but I'm afraid that there is nothing to save any longer, Raleigh." She said meeting his gaze, he looked broken, just for a moment. But then his mask came back up again.

-Then I believe you made a decision. You know, I think I will send to the commander part by part of your body. Make him feel just like I do for taking you from me." She forced herself on feet striking towards him only to be pulled back by chains on her wrists.

-You bastard! You threw me out, forced me to flee out of the city." Her voice breaking as she continued. "I loved you, I risked my life for you, I would have done anything for you. But you... one little conflict and you gave up on me... on us... just like the coward that you are. " he hit her hard on the jaw, making her lose her footing and fall back on the ground. He immediately fell next to her taking her head into his hands.

-I'm sorry my love, I lost it, forgive me"

-Don't touch me! You fucking monster. I hate you, you hear me I hate you!"

-You're lying." he screamed looking at her.

-Burn in hell you monster." She spat into his face.

-So be it." He stood." Guards! Get her outside, the night should be pleasantly freezing. I'm sure she will break. If not, well at least we will have one less thing to worry about." he smiled as one of the Templar's picked her up dragging her across the dark cold room.

-Let go of me, you disgusting peace of.. ughhh" she felt a sharp pain in her ribs as the Templar hit her.

-Hey! I see you one more time hitting her, I'll feed you to the Behemoth." Samson hissed smacking the Red Templar. "Sweet dreams Inquisitor."


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Author's Note:

The chapter was too long so there will be part 2 soon:))))




Thanks for reading❤

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