Chapter 3 Where am i

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Kaya's POV

"KAYA, GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE US BREAKFAST", well that's my wake up call, I got out of bed, got dressed, checked that I had my locket and went downstairs.

"you worthless child, I don't know why we adopted you" I heard my foster mothers annoying voice say, I sighed and headed over to the kitchen to make eggs on toast.

Once I finished, I brought them to......dumb (mum) and dumber (dad).

they quickly finished, so I took them, washed them and dried them, "I'm heading to school now" I called out, I was replied with a 'whatever', I grabbed my bag and headed out.

as I walked, I passed The Higarashi Shrine, I shrugged and started to walk up the stone stairs, once I got to the top I walked over to the house part and knocked lightly on the door.

"I'll get it" I heard Kagome's voice say, the door slid open to reveal Kagome still in her Pajamas, I smiled and did a small wave, she looked down at me with wide eyes, I swore I could see tears in her eyes.

Quicker then lighting, i was pulled into a hug, I looked at her "are you ok" I asked, she nodded her head and wiped away her tears, she then pulled me inside her house, "INUYASHA" she yelled out.

i was then pulled up to her room, the first thing i noticed was a tall, strong built boy sleeping on her bed, I watched as she walked over to him, "Inuyasha, wake up" she called out softly, me being me I hid behind the door.

I could hear him start to stir, "oh hey Kagome, what's up" he asked, I snickered silently, "she's here" Kagome said happily, "really where"Inuyasha asked half yelling.

"Kai, you can come out now" she said, I slowly nodded and breathed, I then showed myself and walked in, I could see the look of shock in Inuyasha's eyes "K..Kai, is that you"he asked while reaching his hand out to touch.

I moved back so that he wouldn't touch me, "heh while nice meeting you, best be on my way" I said trying to get away from this delusional man.

"wait"he cried out, but it was to late, I raced down the hall and out the door, as I was outside I could hear Kagome telling me to stop, instead I ran to the stone stairs.

in was about to run down them but i was thrown over the boys shoulder, "hey put me down" I shrieked and pounded on his back, but he didn't budge or make any movement to put me down.

"forgive me" he said softly, I looked at him strangely, i was then whacked on the head, and was out like a light.


Kagome's POV

As we came out of the well, we were greeted with the smiling faces of Miroku and Sango, Shippo must of been sleeping somewhere, there gazes left mine and traveled over to the now sleeping child in Inuyasha's arms.

there smiles left, instead there where tears, happy tears, they all ran up to Inuyasha and started to stroke Kai's sleeping face.

after what seemed like forever, we finally got Kai to Kiede's Hut, and she was still sleeping, "set her down here" I whispered to Inuyasha, he nodded and placed her on the sleeping bag that I usually bring.

I could feel cool air blow in from the door, I looked over to find that Rin was standing there with her mouth open and slight tears running down her face, she dropped her flower basket and ran over to Kai.

I smiled as she bent down to get a better look at the sleeping figure, *light bulb* "hey Rin, come here" I whispered, she heard and walked over to me.

"there's something I want you to do", she nodded and I told her my plan, at the end she nodded again and raced outside to do what I asked her.

Sesshomaru's POV

I was walking around in another plain, boring forest, when the faint scent of Rin's blood filled my nose.

I growled and flew up into the sky, I then flew into the direction in which the scent was coming from.

after a while of flying, I found her standing in the middle of a lush green valley, her finger was up in the air at the end of her finger was a thin line of blood.

I sighed 'at least she ok' I thought myself, I gracefully landed in front of her, "are ok" I asked monotoned, she nodded, "I have a surprise for you  at the village" she said happily.

my eyes widened slightly but quickly went back to normal, she started to walk towards the village so I decided to do the same.

once in the village, Rin led me to Kiede's hut 'what could be in here' I thought to myself.

I could smell Inuyasha close behind me, my eyes widened in shock as he made no attempt to attack me, he just walked past me with a slight smirk and entered the hut.

As soon as I entered, I could see a small crowd of people surrounding one part of the hut, I pushed my way threw, and what I saw in front of me, made my heart stop beating, there she was, her light pink skin,full lips and fragile figure layed there, sleeping.

I hesitantly walked up to her and knelt down, I lightly stroked her cheek, which caused her to stir, her eyes fluttered open to reveal those all to familiar eyes.

 A small smile found its way on my face, I bent down to hug her, but was rejected by her, my eyes widened as she stood up with a look of fear in her eyes.

Kai's POV

I could feel a smooth, cold hand touch my cheek, my eyes fluttered open to reveal thing?, he bent down to hug me but I instantly stood up and stared at him in fear.

I looked around "where am I" I asked shakily, I could hear gasps around the room, I looked down at the dog "who are you" I asked, I could see hurt and shock fill his eyes.

"I..I'm your brother" he said, I shook my head and laughed nervously, "now I know you lying, because that's exactly what said" I said as I pointed at Inuyasha.

"please, believe us" the girl with the boomerang pleaded, I shook my head no, and started to back away to the flap door, I was 1 step away from running when I heard Kagome call out, "please stop" she said, it was to late, I bolted out of the hut and ran through the village, trying to find a way home.

I could hear the others chasing me, yelling things like "wait, stop, please believe us", I blocked it all out and continued running.

as I ran I found myself to entrance of a large, dark forest, I smirked 'I should lose them in here' I thought to myself.

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