Tox, Master of Poison

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Kita P.O.V.

    Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this "Ninjago" thing. At this point, I've gone through so much magical trash in my life that I'll gladly go through the boring process of learning another language. Since being in Ninjago for about seven months, it's been... different. But I'm pretty sure it's a good different. 

    I'm free! No more AntiMatter! Heck yeah!

    Sure, it was a shock to my system when I died then woke up in another Realm where there was no such thing as Astor City; but hey, it's not the worst thing that could possibly happen. It was honestly kind of a relief. At least no one knew who I was or screamed in terror whenever they saw me. Also, an added bonus was that the police didn't arrest me. All they did was give me the stink eye, but that, I can handle. 

    This was finally a chance for me to start over and live my life how I want to! It was amazing! Although, after the initial shock and excitement wore off, I found it's not that easy to find a job when you look like a freak, get random urges to do evil, and can't speak a freaking word of Ninjagon. 

    Apparently not all the scars of my past have been erased, and face is constantly reminding me of that whenever I look in a mirror, but I'm trying, okay? I'm not a model citizen, but I wouldn't call myself a villain anymore either.

    So yeah, that's how I ended up in a cramped, moldy apartment in the "bad" part of New Ninjago City. Good news is, I can fight, and the creeps living around me know to back the heck off. Thanks to the online courses on that laughably low-tech computer, I can now understand people. Still working on the speaking part though because my accent is a bit thick for people to completely understand.

    After a long day of scavenging around to make whatever money I could(while ignoring that compulsion to go rob someone), it was relieving to finally call it quits and get myself some dinner. 

    I was scanning my options on the street from a darkened alleyway so I don't scare people with my toxic appearance when some #$%&*= tried to rob me. Instinctively, I reach for the crummy little handgun I keep with me, and by the grace of whatever deity is in Ninjago, I remember not to kill him.

    Still, it was satisfying to hear him screech in pain as the bullet ripped through his leg. I calmly stroll on over to him. 

    "Give me my money," I hiss to him, holding my hand out expectantly.

    I nearly laughed while the cursing man handed me my legally earned 250 yuan. That's the best he could do? I made sure the first thing I learned was all the profanity in Ninjago's dictionary. He was a total amateur. 

    The guy looked up at me hatefully and... dang! He was ugly! I'm all for expressing yourself, but those purple snake tattoos were just no. I figured the cops would show up quick after that gunshot, so I booked it outta there before counting up my cash.

    While counting it, I noticed a small note amidst the yuan. For some reason, I opened it up and read it. 

Hey, Master of Poison,

    Huh? Master of Poison? What's that? Did I misread that?

    Master Chen has invited you to be a contestant in his Tournament of Elements. Be at the West docks by midnight. Come completely unarmed or there will be consequences. If you are the winner, your prize will be enough money to get you off the streets as well as knowledge of your past that will shock you.

    Uhhh... sure. Why not? It's not like I got anything left to lose.

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