Griffin, Master of Speed

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Griffin P.O.V.

    'Yes! Sweet victory!' I thought triumphantly as I dashed across the finish line long before any of the other competitors. For a moment, I reveled in the crowd's thundering cheers. 

    Yes, it may not be completely fair to the other athletes since I am the Elemental Master of Time, or Master of Speed as I prefer to call it, but running, competing, and winning are things that I live for. Plus, I very rarely use my Element. I'm already a naturally speedy person.

    My coach and the entire track team came running up to me, joyfully congratulating me on breaking yet another record. For a split second, everything in my life felt right. Soon though, those feelings of joy and accomplishment died away and I sorta zoned out. 

    I started to survey the ecstatic, admiring expressions everyone and I began to wonder how they would treat me if I wasn't such a talented runner. Sure, they might be grinning and cheering me on now, but that's only because of my great accomplishments.

    Running is my life. It's literally the only thing I'm actually good at. I mean, I guess I had a pretty good role model since my dad ran off before I ever got the chance to know him. And my mom... well, to sum it all up, she's really, really bad at picking good husbands who actually like me and she usually ignores the fact that I'm her son. 

    I suppose the part of reason I run so hard is maybe because I want to elicit some form of love or approval from my mom. Just one tiny hint that she even acknowledges my existence. Also, I sometimes think to myself secretly, "Yeah, dad. This awesome son you left behind."

    But don't get me wrong. I don't think like this all the time. Everyday, I usually wake up feeling refreshed and cheery. I'm always grateful for the start of a new day because I know that no matter how stormy your life may be at the moment, it can't rain forever. I swear, I'm a really optimistic guy.

    When I got back to my dorm, I immediately noticed that on my table sat takeout from Mr. Chen's Noodle House. I opened a note sitting by the food, figuring that Justin or someone else must have dropped it off as a cool gift for my win.

    Hey, Master of Time/Speed (whichever you prefer),

    Well, this is freaky. I didn't think anyone knew about my Elemental Powers. To be honest, I don't think even I know the full extent of them or what to accurately call it. To me, Master of Speed just sounds cooler for a track athlete.

    You have been selected by Master Chen to compete in his Tournament of Elements. Go to the western docks tonight at midnight. Tell no one and bring no weapons. If you win, you will earn great honor and glory to impress others as well as knowledge as to who your father is.

    Wait, what? A chance to get my mom to realize how great her son is and to learn who my biological dad is. Duh, of course I'm going to take this opportunity!

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